The big day

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I sat while my mother got me ready and I haven't seen Yelena since Last night.

Everyone is so excited for today, well not everyone "Pretty soon you will be Mrs.Belova and William decided to build a house next door Isn't that wonderful?" My mother asked and I hummed. "After the Wedding Me and your father are moving back to Boston" she said and I nod.

"Hey what's wrong you're so quiet" she asked and I faked smile, "Just a bit nervous" I lied and she nod."Well let's get you into your wedding dress" she said and we stand walking towards it "Oh I love this its beautiful" she said and I smiled. "Well no time to waste let's get you into this thing" she said and I started getting ready.

Yelena POV
I sat in my room painting trying to keep my mind off of the whole big thing.
"So I can imagine I'm marrying you instead"
Was all that ran through my mind, I decided I didn't really have much of a choice so I put my paintbrush down and went to take a bath.

After showering I did my hair then sat on the bed debating again if I should go, I sighed and started putting on my dress and then realised I was late so I started heading out.
I made it the garden because they wanted it out door and sat at the back and my father came for me and brought me to the front with everyone.

"You are late" my mom said "The bride is not even here yet" I replied and a second later music started and everyone looked behind them and I followed their gaze.

I froze staring at her in aww, she was wearing the dress I chose for her. She looked around and when her eyes landed on me she smiled and I smiled back and she made it to Williams side.

Its been around thirty minutes and the priest is just there talking while I stared at YN and every few minutes she would glance at me.


I glance at Yelena and then focus my attention back on the priest. "Do you YN take William to be your lawfully wedded husband to love and cherish from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health?" He asked and everyone looked at me. I don't I really don't "I do" I answered and looked at William afraid to see Yelena's face and the Priest turn to William.
"Do you William take YN to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and cherish from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health?" and William smiled. "I do one hundred percent" and he smiled squeezing my hand gently.

"Now that you both have committed yourselves to one another and to your Holy Union through the sacred vows that you have taken and by the giving and receiving of these rings  I now pronounce you husband and wife. Those whom God has joined together may He generously bless Forever. You may now kiss the bride" he says and William pulled me close to him and kissed me and I wrapped my hands around his neck and we broke away.
Everyone cheered and William held my hand and I went to turn my head to look at Yelena but William turned my head and kissed my cheek and I turned around and didn't see Yelena.

After everything was over and we are all inside eating, drinking ,dancing and laughing. I dismissed my self and Went to the place I know I could find Yelena, her painting room.

I walked in and saw her painting "Hey" I said softly and she turned around smiling and I looked at her drawing.

"She's beautiful isn't she, she's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen" she said and I smiled looking at it. "You got everything perfect from my eye colour to every little features" and she smiled and I looked around and everything was about us she drew a tree where we first met, the lake we meet at night, the garden our first kiss, Her bed messy our first time together.
"El" I said softly "To everyone they are just places around town, but to us we know what we shared there" she said and I walked over to her kissing her. I felt her smile into the kiss. "You know when I said I do, I realized that it doesn't say William Belova it just said Belova, Yelena I took your last name not William" and she smiled "I didn't think about it like that" she said and we smiled.

"You should get back before they miss you" she said and I just held her face and kissed her nose and she did the cutest little nose scrunch. "I love when you do that" I told her and kissed her. "Let's go downstairs" I said and she held my hand and brushed off her dress.
As we arrived at the door she spun me around "Don't have sex with William tonight" she said serious and I giggled. "Wasn't planning to,meet me at the lake after midnight" I told her and she smiled.

We walked out and when we were near everyone we let go of each others hand. "Ah there you are darling where were you?" William asked "I was looking for you, and then I went to freshen up" I lied and he nod bringing me to closer to him.

"Good now let's go thank everyone" he said and I smiled and walked over with him and he picked up a glass and tapped it. "OK everyone bride and groom time" William started "Goodnight everyone thank you for all coming, Today is the best day of my life I made this beautiful girl my wife and I am the luckiest man alive so let's make a toast for me and my wife everybody" He said.

Alexei came and gave a glass to me and William and I raised our glasses then we intertwined our arms together drinking and then everyone cheered and we stepped down.
"Dance" he asked and I refused "Not feeling well remember" I said and he kissed my cheek and I took up two glasses and walked towards the porch sat waiting and a bit after she came outside.

"Spying on me?" I ask and she smiled "Its not spying and we both know you did want me to follow or else you wouldn't have brought two glasses" she said.

I pulled her down to sit with me and she leaned in and I stopped her. "Anyone can walk in or out and see us" I told her and she groaned and laid back taking the drink. "I'm not moving, I'll be right next door, but I'll have a lot of time because its gonna build so I'll have lots of nights to sleep with you" I said trying to lighten the mood. "I can't wait to kiss you" she said and I giggled.

"I love you" she whispered holding my hands and I brought it up to my lips and kissed it. "I love you more" I told her and we head inside not wanting to cause suspicions.
"After midnight" I whispered to her and she nod.

1244 Words

Yelena Belova Where stories live. Discover now