
6 0 0

trigger warnings
mentions of past attempt
mention of scars and bruises

tommy awoke again ina  panick. he glanced at the clock on the wall. morning. he leaped to his feet, disturbing ghostbur and friend. the two looked up.

"tommy? are you alright-"

tommy shot ghostbur a panicked look, glancing at the clock.

"ah. go meet with dream, he'll get mad. i'll be around if you need me, okay?"

tommy nodded and gave a small smile. ghostbur waved as tommy disappeared through the portal.

as soon as he got through, he dashed to tnret and hid.

dream approached him. "tommy, you aren't supposed to stay in the nether long without me. you know that, right?" he said with fake sympathy.

tommy nodded quickly- of course he knew, he didn't mean to stay all night.


tommy leaped to his feet and ran to a small surface cave, dream not far behind. tommy took a deep breath and began emptying his inventory into the cave, and dream place the tnt. the noise- getting yelled at- ghostbur not being there- his breaths began to get shallower. without thinking, he dashed to the nether.

he needed ghostbur.

as soon as he was through, she ran over to the corner where the three spend the night. ghostbur, noticing his panic, immediately hugged him.

"it's okay. he's not here." friend let out a small baa.

a small smile flashed across tommy's face.

it disappeared within a matter of seconds. dream.

he had come storming through the portal, axe in hand. he stomped over to tommy and grabbed shin by the shirt collar, pinning him against a wall.

"never do that again. got it?" dream shouted.

ghostbur huddled further back into the corner. he wanted to help tommy, of course, but dream was terrifying. even blue could hardly help panic.

tommy's face was squeezed against the wall to avoid contact with dream.

"m'sorry-" he squeaked out.

dream was surprised but pleased. he's finally gotten the broken child to talk. he gave a hard push and dropped tommy to the floor.

he decided to let the child rest for the day- more torture tomorrow.

tommy had bruises all i've this body, a scar on his face because of the explosion, and a black eye. ghostbur leapt to his feet and ran to help tommy. he layed tommys head in his lap, tryi to bring him back to conscieceness (??? con-shis-ness-

idk it's 12:30 ok???)

okay i'm done it's 12:30 mind go bemkwkwkwjejdjjsjwjwj

i said it's 12:30 twice... and misspelled over...

hope yall enjoyed! could be continued

who knows

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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tommyinnit angst i wrote at 1 amWhere stories live. Discover now