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3 person pov:-

They see a 5 year old girl shivering in cold and besides her there were 4 boys lying uncomfortably

"See yourself " she said

William came closer to the girl and gently touch her forehead with the back of his hand 🖐

" Shit she is burning " William said
Due to the noise the 4 boys woke up

" We have to take her to hospital " daisy said

One of the boys said " where will u take her ?" Coldly

" Andrew she is right  we have to take her to hospital now "

"I'm also going with u" daisy suddenly spoke

Four of the boys said "NO we will go not u "

" 4 of u listen to her u r small and it's already 5 pm u will stay here in house "

"Yeah "

Four of the boys said" Ok" bcs they can't disobey their uncle words ..

William then Carry lily in Princess style and ran out of house and besides him daisy

(Time skip by both of them arguing who will carry lily)

It took them 1 hour for them to reach hospital the doctor was about to go home when they home but after listening to William he checked on lily

" It's just due to weather changes but if u would be a little late then her hearing ability would had been  gone I have given her medicines she will wake up by tomorrow morning " the doctor said

"Thank u doctor" both of them said

(Time skip by both of them lying uncomfortably on the  seats outside the room )


Daisy woke up first and then William .. daisy went outside the hospital to take their breakfast 

Inside the room

Lily woke and see William staring at her worrying

"Ummm uncle" lily said
"Huh lily u woke up " he ran to the bed and hugged her
"Ah uncle I can't breathe "lily said while trying to push him"sorry I was just happy " he said embarrassingly "are u felling pain anywhere or I should call the doctor " he ask

" No I'm totally fine just a little bit of headache " lily said

" Ah okay" William then sit on the bed 

Meanwhile Daisy side

While she was coming to the room she saw the washroom and decide to wash her face.. she went inside and she was shocked to see her appearance  .. I mean it's the first time seeing her since she transmitted " what is this " jasmine said in disbelief .. her eyebrows were covered in charcoal and her lip are painted with red colour as lipstick same goes with blush her hair were up to her hip in a horrible cutting " let me just wash it off " after washing her face she saw that her natural face was way better than the previous one " why does she even needed to do that horrible makeup " her eyebrows are pretty shaped her lips were in cherry pink colour though it was a cramped but it was okay white porcelain skin  beautiful eyes not more than a fairy "hmm about the hair " she said then she saw a pair of scissors " ah what a lucky day " and then she take scissors and decide to cut her hair into mideum length  and after her gromming session she again start to walk toward the room

" Oh u woke up " she said while putting their breakfast at the table

Both of them were shocked to see daisy in her new look

Daisy just chuckle at their reaction

"Ahem so let's get her discharge papers" suddenly William spoke

"Okay " she said ...William left

"Uhmm how r u feeling" daisy said to avoid the awkwardness

" I'm fine " lily said

"Ehh okay "as she doesn't know what to say more

Silence spread the room

" Let's get going"William said entering the room

Time skip at home

" We r back home" William said
And they saw was Andrew trying to cook Lunch
" Yah don't do that ur hand will get burned " daisy said

Awkwardness spread the room bcs Andrew is the one who cook food every day since his is not home daily

Daisy just sigh seeing this and said " let me do it "
" U c cook horrible" William and children Said
"Of course not" she said nonchalantly
She went to her room to get bath and change

Time skip by daisy's quick shower

" So let's do it " as she said she saw the ingredients were not that much but it was enough for them upto dinner ...she was singing and cooking
While the other's were just staring at her

After a while

" The food is ready " daisy said loudly so the other's can listen

At first everyone hesitate but after seeing the food they quickly sit down  in the dining table

After tasting the food  everyone thought ' tasty ' they never ate this much tasty food as Andrew is still young and only know how to make porridge
"How's the food" daisy ask excitedly
" Not bad" everyone says
"Hehe"daisy giggle

William spoke " kids ur school will open in 2 weeks have u done ur homework"
"Yes we did it " 5 of them said in unison
"Okay" William said as they continue their lunch

After lunch

Daisy was washing the dishes while thought that ' from what I have seen their school backs and school dress is too worn out may be I should buy  them new one'

Time skip at dinner

Everyone were having the food daisy made to their hearts content cause until when they will get  this much tasty food again except daisy 

" Tomorrow ill go buy ur new notebooks and necessaries " William said to the kids
"Ok "  the kids said cause even if they want to stop him he will not listen to them
"Then I'll also go to buy groceries " daisy said
" Ok "

After dinner

While everyone went to their room

Daisy notice that the kids used to sleep in one room 
So she decide to check on them
She opened the door quietly and thought ' there are only two beds and five kids and then she said" lily if u want u can sleep with me " lily was surprised when she heard it and hesitate also but then she decides to go
" Say good night to them "daisy said
" Good night brothers "  lily said

Then they went to Daisy's room
Lily and daisy on the bed and then daisy covered both of them by blanket  and said " come here '" as she opened her arms  .. lily then hugs her happily because it's the first time her mother asked her to her her .... Daisy then slowly started to pay her back so that she can fall asleep
And within minutes both of them fall asleep

( Guys in next ep I'm going to introduce you to the character and the novel in which the fl transmitted and about her husband it's a suspense)

BYE bye 🌝🖐

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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