Start from the beginning

Kyran (F AU): "Please"".

Meghan: "I didn't know you understand deer's language?".

Kyran: "It's a different dimension, Meghan..".

Lucas immediately ate the carrot in Kyran's hand.

Kyran (F AU): "Uh! Uh-uh-uh, Share".

Lucas gave a piece of his carrot out of his mouth and Kyran took it. They both started eating.

Man (Percy): "I can't believe they're finally opening up the gates!".

His wife (?): "And for a whole day! *Giggles*. Faster, Percy!".

The two couples look overjoyed about their new queen's coronation and the opening of the gates.

Valerie: "They look so happy.. Although i don't understand what so exciting about opening gates?".

Everyone ignores Meghan's questions.

And it shows a short woman with her guard talking about Plebdelle (Felicia) suspiciously...

Felicia (F AU): " *Sigh* Plebdelle, Our most mysterious trade partner.. Open those gates so i may unlock your secrets and exploit your riches.....Did i say that out load?".

Funneh: "Why are you acting suspicious, Felicia?".

Felicia: "The real question is, Why am i so short?!?!".

Me: "I'm not answering that..".

Man: "Oh! Me sore eyes can't wait to see the Queen & the Princess. I bet they are absolutely lovely!".

Other man: "I bet they are beautiful!".

Two men talking about Funneh and Gold.

Gold: "Can't wait to see my beautiful Princess face!".

The scene shows Gold still sleeping with messy hair, drooling and snoring.

Funneh: "Is that what you call, beautiful?".

Gold: "Shut up!!".

Gold (F AU): (SNORING).

Kai (Servant): "Princess Gold?".

Gold wakes up*

Gold (F AU): "Huh? (CLEARS THROAT) Yeah?".

Kai: "Oh. Sorry to wake you, Ma'am".

Gold (F AU): "No, no, no, You didn't (YAWNS) I've been up for hours".

Rainbow: "Are you sure? (Sleepy-Head)".

Gold (F AU): (SNORING).

Gold (F AU): "(GASPS) Who is it?".

Kai: (STAMMERS) "Still me, Ma'am. The gates will be open soon, Time to get ready!".

Gold (F AU): "Of Course (CLEARS THROAT) Ready for what?".

Kai: "Your sister's coronation, Ma'am".

Felicia *POV*: "She's clearly forgot about it".

Gold (F AU): "My sister's coronation..".

Gold was trying to remember something and when she opened her eyes slightly, she looked at her ball dress and suddenly remembered.

Gold (F AU): (GASPS) "It's Coronation Day!".

Gold put on her dress and ran down the halls of the castle while giggling.

Gold (F AU): "It's Coronation Day! (EXCLAIM)".

Gold holds the maid's hand and goes round and round about how excited she is!


Gold (F AU): "~The window is open, So that door!~".

Gold (F AU):"~I didn't know they did that anymore~".

Gold (F AU): "~Who knew we owned 8.000 salad plates?".

Gold looks around the castle with all the servants preparing the castle.

Gold (F AU): "~For years i've roamed these empty halls, Why have a ballroom with no balls?~".

Gold (F AU): "~Finally they're opening up the gates!~".

Gold ran down the hall with excitement and sat on the balustrade and sliding down while sitting on it. 

Gold (F AU): "~There'll be actual, real, life people. It'll be totally strange.. But wow! Am i so ready for this change!!~".

Gold pretended to welcome the hand of a guard statue, but accidentally took the statue's hand and went straight to thinking it never happened.

Gold (F AU): "~Cause for the first time in forever! There'll be music, There'll be light~".


Funneh: "Wait- What happened??".

Me: "I'm lazy to watch all of 'em. But, i only skip the part where you started to sing, Funneh".

Funneh: "Awesome~".

It showed Funneh in her Coronation dress looking worried, but fighting it.

Funneh (F AU): "~Don't let them in, Don't let them see, Be the good girl, You always have to be!~".

Funneh takes off her two gloves while looking at her father's painting when he was a King.

Funneh (F AU): "~Conceal, Don't feel, Put on a show!! Make one wrong move, And everyone will now...~".

While holding a staff & thing (I don't know what it is ._.) in her hand, it suddenly froze and she puts it again.


Funneh (F AU): "~But it's only for today..~".

Gold (F AU): "~It's only for today!~".

Funneh (F AU): "~It's agony to wait..~".

Gold (F AU): "~It's agony to wait!~".

Funneh (F AU): "~Tell the guard to open up, The Gate!!!~".

Gold (F AU): "~The Gate!!!~".

Gold was outside the castle looking at people and getting excited while Funneh inside the castle trying to be a little brave. Everyone watching was overjoyed at Gold that she was finally free. Except for those who have watched Frozen, it's mediocre.

Timeskip. (Bcuz i'm lazy ._.).


Funneh: "Wait what? We didn't even finised the song!".

Gold: "I want to see who's Prince's Hans!".

Rainbow: "Maybe Part 4?".

Me: "Actually, there's an extra part which is Part 3.5. So, it's the continuation of this Part except that you'll know who's Prince's Hans from your universe :)".

Kyran: "Cool! And i think i know who's Prince's Hans will be.. *Looking at Prince*".

Me: "No spoilers pls! Bye Bye".