24) Family matters

Start from the beginning

Santana slowly leans close towards you and hugs you.
"Shhh, it's alright human, take your time..."
You feel like Santana somehow understands what it's like to be seperated from your family. Calming down once again takes you a few minutes, but when you finally do, Wamuu beckons towards the table.
"Come to eat something Kitten, you must be starving..."


Your day is pretty usual from then - changing into your normal clothes, chatting with the two in your room about some things human... But you never stop having the image of your mother in your head, calling out to you.
On a whim, you ask Wamuu: "Do you think I could... Talk to Lord Kars?"
Wamuu seems thrown off by your question, but slowly nods.
"Let me go get him, he hasn't been responding to my messages."

Santana also excuses himself, saying he's got some business to do. You find yourself sitting all alone. Before you start losing yourself in your thoughts again, someone knocks at your door.
"Y/N, it's me, can I come in?"
It's Arya, she looks concerned.
I heard everything from Wamuu. Are you alright now?
You think for a bit before shaking your head no.
"Oh baby..." She says, sitting beside you, resting an arm behind your neck and leaning her head against your shoulder. You sit in silence for a while before she speaks up.
"Why don't we run away? Just you and me? You can shapeshift, so can I..."
You shake your head once more.
"And risk being hunted down and killed by them? No thank you..."
"They wouldn't kill you! Just me. But it's fine, anything for you."
Arya says, like it's an obvious thing, and you can't help but turn toward her, grabbing both her shoulders.

"Are you stupid?! Of course I care about you, why would you just sacrifice yourself because of something this dumb?! I am not escaping if it means you getting killed."
Suddenly, a voice sounds from the hall. "Look at the lottle vampire - give it a finger, and it bites of your hand, doesn't it?"
You get chills. It's Kars, and he seems to have overheard your whole conversation. You jump in front of Arya, while looking towards the door.
"What do you want?"
"Haven't you called for me yourself? Y/N...?"
Your name slips off his tongue slowly, and you get chills once more.
"C-come in, but only if you won't hurt Arya."
"I won't."
He sits across the table from you, giving cold stares to the vampire that is sitting behind you, holding around your waist.

You explain to Kars what happened that morning, but he seems like he heard it all already. Out of nowhere, he gives you an offer.
"Would you like to... Go check on your parents...?"
You freeze. You would never expect that he would say something like that.
"Do you mean it...? Yes! Please my lord!" You plead, bowing towards the man.
His expression changes a few times before growing into a little smirk.
"Alright. And that vampire can come with us."

Before long, you're fully dressed and standing at the balcony Kars seem to enjoy looking from. It is a cloudy day, and Arya is almost entirely covered by clothing, so she should be fine in the sun. Kars lists off rules.
"No running away, or the vampire gets it, and I'm eventually catching you again. No trying to contact other people, or they're dead too. Always stay close to my side, so goes for the vampire." He looks over to her and she nods, just happy about you being able to see the outside again.
"From studying Nagare, I know you should be able to transform into some kind of a flying form too. Try it."
You try to focus on your inner voices.
'Please, I want to see my parents again' you think, and a familiar voice answers: 'Is that really what you'd like?'

You agree enthusiastically, and you realise you have shrunk. Somehow you've kept your own mind this time.
Kars looks impressed.
"Osprey, huh?"
'W-what's that?' you try to ask, but you can only screech. Nevermind, you'll find out later.
Arya in the meanwhile hops over to you, looking like a jackdaw.
'H-Hi!' she caws, and you understand and smile. 'Oh, we can speak in a language Kars doesn't understand...?'
Kars frowns "I don't want to hear you speaking more than usual, I can't tell if you're conspiring against me!"
The two of you laugh, while Kars gives you suspicious looks, but finally you're ready for takeoff.
"If I see you're tired or falling, I'll catch you." Says Kars reassuringly, standing at the edge of the balcony. He jumps off and flies just under you, waiting for you to jump.

You successfully jump and spread your wings, feeling the strong wind holding you afloat, and you're ecstatic about your accomplishment.
"Look Ari, I'm flying!"
The jackdaw covers it's face with it's wing as if trying to hide something, before realising she's a bird and instead following after you without a word. All three of you fly in a formation with Kars leading, and you enjoy the feeling of the wind in your face. When you land, it's already afternoon, slowly getting darker. You hop along the ground until finding a puddle of water and taking a look at yourself.

 You hop along the ground until finding a puddle of water and taking a look at yourself

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'Huh' you say to yourself as you spread your wings and turn your head. 'Not bad'
But then comes the time to change back, and it feels even easier than changing forms. You just think about what it'd be like to be human again, and poof, you're back.
"Yay, we did it!" You cheer and hug both Kars and Arya, the two of them having very confused looks, as they kinda somehow lightly hug too.
"Now let's find your house." Says Kars, quickly freeing himself from the hug and swiftly walking forward. You trot after him, looking around. You landed not too far from it, you actually even see the place where you got kidnapped and get chills.
"I wonder if anyone took care of my dog..."
"Yes, Wamuu actually returned the next day to check, but the body was gone already."

You continue walking, until reaching the street your house is on. As you look around, you get chills. Something is wrong...


Now comes your time! For the continuation of this chapter, and for finding your ending, you'll need to choose one of these two choices. Don't worry if you don't like your ending, you can read all of them. Feel free to comment on your choice.

A) As you reach your house/flat, you grow more and more on edge. You notice the door has been broken into, and a wave of cold washes over you. All three of you rush inside, turning on the lights, only to see a mess of broken furniture and blood smears. You notice signs of struggle.
Arya quickly covers your eyes and walks you out of the door as Kars searches the house. You hear angry stomping before a quiet dripping sound comes from some room he just opened."Those damned vampires!" He screams in anger, while you sob in Arya's hold. You can easily guess what he found...
Please continue to 25A

B) You slowly walk up to the door, ringing the bell, while Arya and Kars give you encouraging looks. The door opens to reveal your parents, at first confuse, but quickly crying while hugging you close.
"Oh Y/N, we were so worried when we came home and neither your dog, nor you were here! We called the police multiple times but they didn't help..."
They look at the two behind you.
"Is that your... Boyfriend/girlfriend?" (according to your preference - in this universe, your parents know and support you, if bi/pan/omni, choose whichever one you like better xD)
"M-mom!" You blush. "We'll explain everything..." You all walk inside.
Please continue to 25B

So, yeah... Almost 3k words huh... Guess I'm still in form. Anyway, hope you enjoyed.
In case the chapters aren't written yet, I'll try to do it as soon as possible/when I feel like it.
In advance, I estimate there'll be 6 endings, though I can't guarantee that won't change as new ideas come to mind.
Thank you once more for sticking around, yall are awesome.

-ya gurl Ellie

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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