Act One: Charms: Part Two

Start from the beginning

"Woah, how did we get here?!" I asked.

"I transported us here. Though time, but you can think of it like teleportation."

"Explain what you did."

"I altered time. I took our bodies through space but not through time, that's why it's still four in the morning. Technically i stopped time to bring us here." I nodded.

"You understood all that?"

"Yeah it's not that confusing. It's like Shroningers cat." I shrugged. He laughed.

"Shroninger was a interesting character."

"I bet you met him." He chuckled.

"Let's divert from him and to your powers. Now, we know you have telekinesis, telepathy, and the strength of a demon, but I'm curious as to what else you've developed. So I'm going to test you on certain things to see."

"Ok, what-" i was cut off when he threw a knife at me. Instantly i ducked under it and grabbed the handle out of the air. It was like reflex.

"Dude what the hell?!"

"Fast reflexes, check." He said. He reached behind his desk and threw more knifes. I ducked and dodged them all and even caught one and threw it at him. He reached up and caught it, blade end up.

"Alright then. Now let's see... ah!" He dissapeared for a split second, then i felt his presence behind me. Instictively i swung my arm around and almost his him in the face. He grabbed my arm before i could.

"How long are you gonna test my reflexes?"

"Oh, im done now." He smirked. He let my arm go and disappeared again, reappearing at his desk.

"Why do you keep knives around by the way?"

"None of your concern." He smiled.

"I want you to create something."

"What is it?"

"Just anything. Try to make something out of nothing." I gave him a confused look.

"Out of nothing?"

"Just try." So i closed my eyes.

Um... make it snow? Or something? Maybe fire or something? The smell of smoke surprised me, and i opened my eyes to realize i had set fire to myself.

"What the actual fuck?!" I tried to put it out, but they kept growing.

"You have to mentally put them out." Mephisto said, sounding bored.

Go away! Snuff yourself out! Stop! Suddenly the flames receded into my body. I took careful breaths, but it wasn't working. I went into my bookbag and grabbed my pen, stabbing myself in the chest with it. I took deeper breaths and soon my heart chilled out.

"Did you have another heart attack?" Mephisto asked, sounding concerned.

"Oh now you're concerned! Not while i was on fire!"

"Did you?"

"Maybe." I shrugged.

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes it-"

"Make it snow!" I shouted. For a second nothing happened. Then small flakes of snow sprinkled down from the ceiling. I smirked.

"Have fun drying your papers." Mephisto frowned.

"Make it stop."

"Make me." I stuck my tongue out. He disappeared again, but i was ready. I jumped away from where i was, into the air about five feet, and onto his desk. I heard him grunt. I smirked. His presence appeared behind me, and i dodged him as he tried to grab me, then kicked upwards. I heard the satisfying sound of him getting hit, and i smiled. He grabbed my ankle, but i punched him in the chest. My strength pushed him off the desk and onto the ground. I smiled and jumped on top of him, murder in my eyes. I could kill him! I can-

Wait. This is Mephisto. What are you doing? I tried to stop myself, but instinct was in control. I raised my fist to hit him, but my other hand grabbed it. It was like half my body was in control and the other half was gone.


"Stop!" I shouted at myself. I threw myself off of him and fell on my back. My right arm was trying to get up, but my left was trying to stop myself. It was like i had no control! Instinct versus what i knew was wrong. Mephisto held me down, but my leg kicked him.

"Make it stop!" I whined.

"I don't know what's happening!" For once he looked scared. Truly scared. It terrified me. I suddenly realized what i had to do. I grabbed my wrist and snapped it. I screamed in pain, but after that i stopped trying to attack him. I panted and set my wrist back with a crunch. I knew it'd heal quickly. I breathed deeply, because it felt like i couldn't get enough breath.

Was this my demonic nature? To kill everyone?!

If it was i wanted no part in it. Mephisto laced his fingers in my not broken hand.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"No! I almost killed you! How could i be ok?! DO I LOOK OK?!" I yelled. Mephisto looked saddened.

"It wasn't your fault."

"Don't tell me that! I could have murdered your face! If i hadn't-"

"That's the point! You stopped yourself! You didn't kill me."

"I could have. Let me go."

"Not until you stop blaming yourself." I laughed.

"Yeah ok, let me go."


"What am i to you?" I suddenly asked. I didn't know why, but i felt angry at Mephisto.

"Why do you even love me? Why am i important to you? I'm just a broken nobody that doesn't even deserve your love!"

"Stop it. Don't say that."

"Don't say the truth? Why even love me in the first place? Don't ever lie to me again!" I felt pain in my cheek, and my head whipped to the side. He slapped me.

"Stop that! You don't understand anything! I do love you! I love your personality, your strength through everything, your sense of humor, your charm, i love you! Stop acting like a brat." I reached up and touched my cheek. It felt warm, and i knew it was turning red. I felt a surge of fury, but i snuffed it out as soon as it showed up.

"Yeah. I have class to go to." I brought my knees to me chest and kicked him off of me. I stood up in one fluid motion and i made the snow stop and left. I felt completely numb. I didn't know how to feel, how to act. I didn't know what to say or do around him anymore.

I was done with him.

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