Three Minutes (Fluff)

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It had been a casual day at the office, members of STARS busily typing away & filing reports from a recent string of terrorist attacks within the city. They had of course, taken care of it, it was just the boring part to do now - reporting.

And so when lunch break came, Joseph Frost of Alpha Team thought that it was a good idea to smuggle a bottle of brandy into a police station. Not that Chief Irons was a saint but God help them if Captain Wesker found out.

Team members mingled with each other before one by one, they disappeared into a room. The resulting participants were of course; Richard Aiken, Forrest Speyer, Joseph Frost, Jill Valentine & Chris Redfield.

Kids at best, but they thought to relax for the rest of the evening before finishing their reports.

Joseph took a swig, screwed the cap back on tightly to ensure that it didn't spill onto the carpet of the office floor & with a click of the tongue from Chris, the game was on.

It was a classic game of 'Spin the Bottle' but with a twist, seeing as there were more guys than girls, they dared each other to do stupid things such as putting tacs on Wesker's chair. Things that would probably get them killed one day but they were too young & stupidly happy to care in the moment.

Jill often didn't play the game as much but when she did, it was a welcome sexual break. She offered a temporary outlet to three of the men & each one boasted about it.
Who could kiss her the longest, who could put up with her whining, who wasn't turned on by her 'poses'. It was rare that Chris ever lost when it came to Jill Valentine.

So when the neck of the bottle pointed in her direction, she grinned. Joseph being this game's ring leader beamed at the opportunity.

"Jill, Jill, Jill,"
He shook his head with a small 'tsk' but couldn't help but grin with her.

"You ready for this one?"

Jill nodded & in turn Joseph nodded at Chris.
"Kiss him."

"That it?"

"For three minutes."
Joseph's grin widened as he held up three fingers to emphasise his point.

"I don't think I can last three minutes."
Jill made a snide comment & the boys, except Chris, laughed.

True, she held herself to a higher standard than them at the best of times but just like a typical human being where she saw opportunity, she took it & her mind was just as dirty with fantasies yet to be fulfilled.

Chris gave a small pout & Jill smiled at him, her heart fluttered. Chris, in her opinion, was such a baby face. Kissing him for three minutes didn't seem all that bad.

"Time starts, now."
Richard, who had a girlfriend, ordered as he stared at his watch.

Like a bull being let out of the pen, Jill jumped on Chris. His surprise was her way of forcing dominance over him. Jill knew the men loved it when she took the lead, making sure to always leave them wanting more.

Her lips crashed against his, her hands steady on his broad shoulders. At his surprise, she slipped her tongue in his mouth, starting to make out with him.

Joseph cheered her on & Forrest grinned, both watching the steamy show as the partners made out.

Seeing as Chris was stuck with this for a few moments, he sought to get comfortable by taking advantage of the woman sitting on him.

He strengthened his arms, wrapping them around Jill's waist, helping her to get closer physically. She gave a small moan at his touch & his cheeks flushed red, more embarrassed that Joseph & Forrest were watching.

Jill continued to work with her mouth, lips dancing along his, tongue claiming every section she could reach. Deep down, Jill loved Chris, loved being dominant over him, such a surprise came when he reacted with pulling her closer, most of the time they had just been friends, people that always had each other's back no matter what & here, Jill was living out her fantasy.

Two minutes of making out & Jill had to hide the fact that she was very warm between her legs, damn Redfield, never letting her get what she wanted.

Jill relaxed a bit & let Chris explore her. She shivered at his touch, his large hands skimming over her frame, his tongue gently gliding in to claim what was rightfully his. Jill was about to lean in & kiss him deeply, breasts to chest & all when Richard's voice cut through their thoughts.

"Time's up!"
He clasped his hands together & grinned.

Jill groaned in annoyance, trying to pull away, though she flinched in surprise when Chris hungrily kissed her before letting her go.
She stared at him, somewhat shocked. Chris never spoke of sexual desires but his body was always loud & clear to her in response of her actions.

"Aw, you should've let them keep going, Aiken, they seemed to be enjoying it!"
Forrest winked at Chris.

"Go get off somewhere else, Speyer, I'm not making you a sex tape."
Chris shot back at him with his own grin.

They chuckled before Joseph leaned forward, hand at the ready on the bottle.
"Well if Chris is lucky, Jill might want another round."

They chuckled but Jill stared at Chris for a moment longer, wondering if he desired the same later on.

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