During my walk my phone rang. I looked down to see Megan's name on my screen. I went back and forth about answering the phone. It eventually stopped and I knew that she was leaving me a voicemail. A good three minutes later I got the notification.

I swiped open my phone and checked my voicemail icon. I hovered over the play button before eventually hitting it and brought the phone to my ear.

"Carmen, It's me Megan." My half sister said through the speaker on my phone.

I stared at my phone. Megan apologized so many times. I guess somewhere along the line I did forgive her but not so much James. I was still really pissed at him. Megan was right, we are sisters and I needed to call her back. But I was going to do it when I was ready to.

I continued my walk around the vineyard thinking about when I first met James. We met in college and started dating the second year in. I was in nursing school while he was studying to be a doctor. We parted ways for a while when he went off to medical school, but we made the long distance work. I got a job in Lenox Hill Hospital and James was doing his residency at Bellevue hospital. Where I eventually transitioned to. We both worked in the ER. I found it the most rewarding thing I have ever done.

Eventually we got an apartment in the city and we began living together. During all this time my half sister Megan was finishing high school and graduating. It was Christmas and I brought James to New Jersey as always for Christmas Eve with my family. This was our tradition to meet at my dad's mother house (my other Nana) for our Christmas Eve meal. We were all gathered at the table when Megan stumbled in with this guy we never met. His name was Brian I think. Megan looked so grown up. It was like college changed her into this bombshell blonde. Apparently I wasn't the only one who noticed.

Later that night James even mentioned to me how grown up Megan looked.. At that time I didn't think much of it. Time went by. I was still working at the hospital. There was this new jerk doctor that got hired on. I called him Dr. Asshole, even though his name was Vincent De Lasso. I could care less. The guy screamed at me the one day over his own stupid mistake. From then on I tried to avoid him like the plague, which of course didn't work. He was always around and I was always stuck working with him.

He eventually yelled at me again and I went straight to Dr. Parker. I was not having someone talk to me like that. I told James about it who thought I was overreacting to it. He was also very defensive about me going to talk to Dr. Parker. Eventually he started accusing me of sleeping with Dr. Parker who was a married man and also our boss. I should have seen the changes sooner, but it wasn't until around May when we were invited to Dr. Assholes house for a party that I realized I was the one being cheated on. I didn't expect the other woman to be my sister.

Later that night James confessed everything to me. Told me that back in April he went to visit Megan. That they have been talking since Christmas. They had a night of passion as they both called it and he took off the next day. He felt so guilty for doing that to me, but then someone told him that they thought I was having an affair with one of the doctors. He immediately thought it was Dr. Parker. He accused me of being cold and distant. It was easy for him to get wrapped up in Megan.

I was devastated. I threw all his stuff out of our third floor walk up apartment and locked myself inside for days. Eventually my best friend Eric came and got me out of the apartment. I cleaned myself up and went to work.

Of course the first person I saw was James. I quickly walked past him and continued doing my rounds. I avoided him the best I could the whole day. Later that evening as I was leaving I heard James talking to Dr. Asshole about how psycho I am. That he was glad that he saw the light before marrying me.

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