Chapter 1

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Tommy slept for a few days. George was worried, but he knew from classes that it was normal for someone to sleep for this long. His body was healing both physically and mentally from the extremities that happened to them.

When Tommy woke up, he was instructed to go see Ranboo. They wanted to see if he would get a reaction out of him.

They tried with Tubbo but Tubbo didn't want to see him like that. He would break down if he saw his friend so empty.

Tommy was still weak though, so they had him in a wheelchair. He was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. Both were plain white.

Scott wheeled Tommy to Ranboo's room while George walked with them. Tommy didn't want George to leave his side. Though he trusted Scott, he just didn't want to be without him.

Once they got to Ranboo's room Scott sighed, "Only you and Purpled know what happened to him. Please make him feel safe." Scott asked, he opened the door for Tommy to wheel himself in.

"Just a tip Scott, he'll never feel safe." Tommy said bitterly. He didnt even face them. He just wheeled himself into the room.

Scott sighed and closed the door. Ranboo didnt look away from the wall. Uneaten food sat on the bedside table and a water half empty sat beside it.

"Hi Ranboo." Tommy said calmly, Ranboo didnt react, well not physically. On the inside he was burning. He wanted to move his body, to speak to Tommy. He couldnt though, he was too scared.

"I just wanted to let you know that everyone is fine. Purpled and Tubbo are unharmed." Tommy paused, he got a reaction from Tubbo's name, so he rolled with that.

"Tubbo wants to see you. He's been meaning to drop by, but he wanted to give you time to rest. I've been meaning to come sooner, but I just woke up." Tommy explained, Ranboo's body seemed to understand that Ranboo was no longer in a dangerous situation. He looked like he was finally relaxing.

His shoulders slowly started to droop, and his face muscles untinsed. Then Ranboo started to cry.

Tommy stood from his wheelchair, ignoring all the pain that came with it, and gently hugged Ranboo.

Ranboo's arms weakly rapped around Tommy as he cried into his shoulder. Tommy sat on the side of the bed as his legs gave out.

The door slowly opened, Scott peaked through and saw the scene. He shut the door again and was relieved.

"He did it. Ranboo's gonna be ok." Scott said, George sighed. He was glad Tommy could help with getting Ranboo closer to normal.

"Any news?" Phil asked, Wilbur and Techno were close behind.

"Ranboo reacted to Tommy. He's now crying on his shoulder. I suggest we give them time." Scott informed, Phil sighed in relief. Techno and Wilbur smiled bigger than they ever have before.

A huge weight was lifted off of their chests. They all had the same thought going through their heads.

'Ranboo is going to be ok.'


Tommy stayed the night with Ranboo. Scott moved another bed into the room so the boys could sleep comfortably.

Ranboo didnt sleep. He was afraid that if he did sleep this would all be a dream and he would wake up back in that place. He didnt want to go back. He couldnt go back-

"Ranboo if you don't sleep your body isn't going to heal." Tommy informed calmly. He understands what Ranboo was going through. Hell, he went through that feeling twice.

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