Chapter 8: Baby Names

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2 months later oh and there having one kid

Hope POV
Josie is 2 months pregnant and we started to come up with name for our little pup so I'm going to get Josie she in the common room and I walk behind her and say hi princess hi baby she says come let's go to the room she nods I help her up and I kiss her then we walk to our room and I say so what do you have for names for our pup yeah I was thinking what about Stefan for a boy and for a girl can we name her after Rebekah that's my favorite don't tell freya Josie said yes we can but we have to tell Rebekah about the names last just so it will get in her nerves I said yes ima call my family and yours after they tell them to come to hopes room mom dad come in I said what's the names they said together well if it's a boy Stefan and if it's a girl Rebekah they screaming and they love it after telling them and the rest we got down to Rebekah and Lizzie they sat on the bed and said what the name for a boy Stefan and if it a girl I took a dramatically long pause the girls name is gonna be Rebekah and they were screaming they were so happy after we told them they left I also told them to be ready in 1 hour we're going somewhere me and Josie got ready and we all packed in the car I told them to bring something to swim in me and josie was upfront cuz I was driving my and josie were holding hands and I lifted our hand and kissed her hand and sat it back down all you heard in the car was awww after that then me being me I had to get josie and me to sing so I said who's up for sum music but me and josie are gonna sing the song the first song was body party by Ariana grande they all knew josie could sing but not me so when the song was over they all said to me since when can you sing hope I said I always could just I never sing around people 2 hours later where at the beach and nobody else was there and Lizzie had to ask why was nobody else there I said because this place is mine like I own the land and let's just keep it there after we had fun we went out to a restaurant where I said I'm paying as soon as I said that they said no but I insisted so I payed and then when we got to the school I saw people who I never thought I would see again as soon as I saw them and they saw me we all yelled hi to each other and my little baby came to me and jumped in my arms and said hi and said the same thing while holding him and the his mom came over and kissed me on the cheek and hi I said hello luv and hugged her after we did that I said would you like to meet my family she said yes she meet my family already so this is Josie my girlfriend hi and she meet the rest of Josie's family and our friends me and her are talking when Josie come up to me and says can I talk to you yeah come on will be right back

Josie POV
This girl and her kid come and hope is talking to her I need to talk to her so I went over there and told now we're alone and I'm saying who is that thats my friend from a long time ago I haven't seen her in 5 years ok I said and started walking away but hope grabs my wrist and pulls me toward her and say what wrong babygirl I say nothing what wrong and don't be scared tell me my eyes start to turn glassy and I know I'm gonna cry I look up at hope and she pulls me closer hugging me telling me it okay I'm not going anywhere I'm staying with you she says it's just you seem so happy with her and sh but I get cut off by hopes lips on mine I kiss her back she pulls away and say I love you and I staying with you okay she hugs me one more time and says I love you we walk back over there and they see us and look at me worried when hope just shakes her head she picks me up and walks us back to our room she lays down on here back and lay me on top of her and I fall asleep

Hope POV
After we layed down Josie fell asleep my family and hers came into the room and saw Josie sleep when Lizzie said is she okay yeah she is why was she crying asked lizzie after I told them what happened lizzie said who is that girl anyway and her baby that my best friend I haven't seen her in 5 years and I guess Josie got sad and jealous because I was hanging out with her and that's when my best friend came in she said where leaving just wanna say goodbye I put Josie on the other side of the bed and hugged her and her baby and said bye I got back on the bed I was crying my mom said it gonna be ok no it's not gonna be ok I have to loose another person in my life and they all looked at me weird after I said that and Lizzie said what do you mean she gonna die to save me because I couldn't finish the sentence because i just layed down and cuddled Josie and at some point Josie woke up and she was holding me while I was crying my family and her just looked at me I'm gonna go run and with that jump thru the window mid air and changed into my wolf form and I heard Josie say she gonna be okay give her time she need it

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