Its a Match!

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...... "The hell?"

The alarm blared throughout the room, with a desperate reader trying to stay in bed a little longer. However, you reluctantly made plans with a friend in the morning. Slouching out of the bed, you quickly threw on some clothes and locked the apartment door.

"Same Park that we went to a couple of days ago?" You asked, looking around the big area. "Yeah, do you see me?" Your best friend said, the blonde-haired girl waving enthusiastically. You wave back, hanging up the phone and walking towards her to hang out. "Hey Yu-!" She pulls you down onto the ground, wearing a blue colored hat. "Come, come here." She says, taking out her phone and showing your messages from last night. "I can help you! Now tell me everything about him from last night. Full detail appreciated." Feeling slightly embarrassed, you attempted to change the subject. "What do you think about the weather? Interesting, right?" You asked, looking up. "There are no clouds, it's just sunny today. It's literally the same as yesterday AND the day before."

"Really? Didn't notice. hmmm, how's your hero work going?"
"Fine, but that doesn't matter right now, quit trying to change the subject!"
"Y'know being a hero is pretty awesome isn't it? Maybe I should be one..!"
"We all know you don't actually want to be one. Too much responsibility blablabla..."
"Shut up, takeyama!"

You pushed her to the side, tying to avoid the conversation but knew it was futile.

"So, you wanna tell me about last night?" She pulled out a notepad from her backpack.

"Fine, I'll tell you more about him." You sigh.

"He had dark brown eyes, red wings and blonde hair that quite literally flowed in the night. Had some sharp eyeliner on and I saw a bit of his jacket, looked leathery." You spoke. The more you talked about him, the more mysterious he seemed, and enchanting. "Yeah okayy... wait." Yu put her notepad flat on the grass. "Did he tell you what his name is?" It seemed like she was waiting for a certain answer, but just wanted to make sure.
"He said his name is Takami, I'm pretty sure. Couldn't tell if it was his first or last name though."
Picking up the notepad once again, Yu thought of the name carefully.

Takami, takami... she thought, until it finally clicked.

"Come with me!" Yu said, grabbing your hand and dragging you to an isolated-enough space. "What's up? Did you find something?" You question. "I know that name. He's a hero, and I mean a big-time hero." "Wait, what are you talking about?"

"You do know Hawks right? The #2 hero in all of Japan?"

"I heard from the HQ. Did a bit of  'accidental'  spying on the commission's meetings. They addressed him as takami a few times. Plus, he matches your description!" Yu explained, pulling out a photo of him.

Holy crap, that does look a lot like him! You thought, hearing Yu talk on and on about how astounding it is.

"What a lucky coincidence for you! Now you just need to find a way to reach out to him-"

"I don't know about reaching out to him, Yu. If he's the #2 hero, do you really think he would want someone like me?" Doubt spread throughout the air, and you started to think it was only a one-time thing. That seemed like the most realistic possibility anyway. "Just think positive! You also downloaded tinder right? Look on there a little bit, but still keep the whole takami situation available."
"How'd you find out I downloaded tinder? I never told you that!" You we're about to question her when she abruptly interrupted you. "And one more important thing, never call him takami in public, or even in general. Always refer to him as Hawks, no matter where you are. Got that?"

"Don't know why your saying that, but sure I wont. I promise." Her phone began to buzz, and she realized she had to go. Seemed like there was some hero work that needed taking care of. "Okay I'm leaving now, bye Y/N!" She yelled, dashing back to her own place to change into uniform. Returning back to your home, you flopped onto your bed and decided to take her idea into consideration. You opened tinder, and decided to scroll whilst watching a tv show.


Mirko caught up with Hawks, who was eating a sandwich and patrolling one of the local neighborhoods. "Hey, mind if I patrol with you?"
"Not really, you can do what you wanna do-"
"Alright cool, then mind if I ask you some questions?"
"Shoot!" Hawks answered, throwing out his sandwich wrapper, and beginning to jog with Mirko following him behind.

"Are you currently dating anyone?!"
"Are you interested in anyone right now?"
"Uhm, I don't know?" Hawks says, shooting his feathers right at someone with a knife, attempting to rob a civilian. Others begin to clap as the robber's been suspended midair, as Hawks begins to dial the police. "I'll take that knife too- pretty sharp! Wish you could've let me handle that one though." She scoffs. "Also, would you be open to dating at this moment?"
"These questions seem oddly personal!" Hawks gritted through his teeth. "Sorry! I'll stop. Pass me your phone though." Mirko shrugged. "Don't you have your own, why would you need mine?" He pulled out his phone from one of his jacket pockets.

"Just let me do something it'll be quick." She snatched the phone from his hand, and secretly downloaded tinder. "Say cheese!" Hawks turns around, slightly startled by the quick flash that appeared in his face. "What are you doing?!" He grabbed the phone and saw a profile for tinder.

"Did you make me an online dating account..?"

"Just give it try, or at least keep it there! You don't have to use it either. I'm going to be your wingwoman, and I'll be a good one!"

Hawks sighed, "whatever. I'm probably not even going to check it.
"I'm tired, want to get some drinks?" Hawks dropped his phone back into his pocket, and eyed a bar nearby.
"As long as your paying!" Mirko added.
"Because of the account, your paying." Hawks yawned.


You scrolled and scrolled, barely paying attention to the app anymore. A few looks and a lot of left swipes led to an annoyed you.

no, no, nope, eh, nah, no tha- wait!

A similar face caught you by surprise.

Hawks is on tinder?! And why the hell does he look so scared?
Immediately swiping right, you check your messages and call Yu.




"Eh? Hawks your phones buzzing." Mirko said, dazed while hawks's face was flat on the table, asleep. "Hawks get up! Geez!" she shook him until he jolted up. "What- what is it?"
"I think someone swiped right on the app thingy.."
She said in a slurred manner.
He took his phone and checked the app and taking a couple of minutes staring at your picture realized who you were.

"Holy crap it's them."

"What are you talking about? Let me see-!"
Mirko stopped her sentence halfway.
"That's the person you met last night?"
Hawks nodded.

"Woah, they really are stunning." Mirko muttered to herself under her breath.

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