Im currently hiding in my friends' schools' bathroom

14 3 0

He was shocked at first, but soon began to kiss back. It was soft and gentle- not what one would expect from kacchan. Soon, much too soon, we part the kiss. He's smiling, a joyful expression on his face.

"So, I assume you didn't hate the kiss then?" He asks. I laugh and nod, feeling my cheeks glowing. "You're adorable," he begins, "but we gotta try and sleep. It's late and we do have school tomorrow."

"Ugh, you're right about the school thing, but I'm NOT adorable!" I say, trying not to blush. I stand up, looking at kacchan for a moment before shaking my head slightly. He's leaning back, letting his arms support him on the bed.

"You gotta get ready for bed, kacchan. C'mon, let's go brush our teeth." I say, scratching the back of my head and making my way to the washroom. Kacchan soon follows me, slipping into the bathroom behind me.

I smile slightly and grab my toothbrush. I keep one here because I come over so often. I put some toothpaste on, running the brush under water for a few seconds, then begin to brush my teeth.

"Why ish ich calleb toothbrush if ich brushesh more than won tooth?" I ask, the toothbrush muffling my speech. "I don't know- why are cookies called cookies if you bake them? Why is bacon called bacon when you cook it?" He asks.

I stop brushing my teeth for a moment and look at him. "My god, you're right!" I say enthusiastically. "Why ish anyfing called anyfing?" I ask, continuing to brush my teeth.

"I dunno, nothing makes sense." He says. I finish brushing my teeth and start to make my way back to his room. He follows in suit, sitting on his bed once again.

"Why aren't you getting ready for bed?" I ask, turning to him. He laughs a little, shaking his head. "I brushed my teeth before you got here, and we both know I sleep shirtless." He smirks. Gosh, his smirk always flusters me, but he does it CONSTANTLY!

"Oh, yeah that makes sense." I say, taking off my shirt and grabbing my sweater. We've changed in front of each other since we were kids, but I can feel his eyes on me, making me blush. "Y'know, it's crazy," I begin, not even knowing what I was about to say.

"We've known each other forever, but everyday seems new. Familiar, but new. Fresh." I say. I don't even know what I'm saying- heck, I don't even know what that means!! I pull down my sweater so it'll cover my ✨bits✨, then take off the sweatpants and boxers I was wearing.

"I know what you mean. Everything feels brand new, but in a good way. It's not strange or scary, just refreshing." He says as I pull on my boxers, sitting on the bed shortly afterwards. He grins, pulling off his shirt and throwing it in the laundry bin. For such a reckless guy, he's always kept his room neat and tidy.

He slides under the warmth of his comforter, me following afterwards. We share his bed everytime I come over- it's just more convenient. Plus, I get really cold at night, so he helps keep me warm.

I turn off the lamp, slightly cuddling up to kacchan afterwards. He wraps his arm around me, like he's done many times before, and pulls me closer to his chest. I smile, perfectly snuggled up in my crush's arms, and soon enough I drift off to sleep.

Ooo sleeping time skip~~~

I wake up to the familiarity of kacchan's alarm, then sit up. I look around me to see where kacchan is, and then I look down. He's underneath me, smirking as the events of last night replay in my brain.

I then realize that I'm sitting on his stomach and I can immediately feel my face burn. "Haha, woah- took you a good 3 minutes to realize! I think that's a new record!" He says, making my face feel 100x hotter.

"AH! That's enough record breaking for me!" I say jumping off his stomach and standing next to the bed. I give a slight smile and say a mumbled "good morning kacchan" as he sits up as well, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed.

"How'd ya sleep?" He asks, grinning and standing up, moving towards his closet to grab his clothes for the day. "Ah, I slept really well!" I say, flashing him a closed-eye smile. "Yeah? you were talking in your sleep." He replies, turning to me with his clothes in hand.

"What did I say?!" I ask, panic now flooding me. I couldn't remember what I dreamt about for the life of me! "Oh, I couldn't make out all of it. You said the words 'happy', and 'yay' though." He laughs. Oh god, now I'm really curious what my dream was!

Grabbing more clothes from my bag, I stand up and remove my sweater. "Did I wake you?" I ask, turning to him with concern. "I hope not.." I say, trying to find my shirt. I could've sworn I grabbed one!

"No, you didn't wake me." He says, I instantly feel relieved. I still can't find my shirt though! "Kacchan, I can't find my shirt." I say, looking at him. He gets the gist and grabs one from his closet. "I'd give you one of your shirts, but my mom did a load of your laundry and I don't think it's folded yet."

"Ah, that's so nice of her! I'll have to thank her on my way out." I say as he tosses me one of his shirts. I catch it and pull it over my arms, then over my head. It's a little baggy, but it's comfy. I slide on some jeans and look in the mirror. I don't look too bad!

Kacchan starts to get changed, and i tried to find any distraction to keep me from staring. "So, what do you want for breakfast?" He asks. I instinctively look towards him, but I can't help trailing my eyes over him. I feel my face start to heat up, so I move my eyes back to my backpack, sitting on my knees and double checking that I have everything for the day.

"..anything is fine, as long as it's your cooking." I say while smiling to myself. "You know, I don't mind you watching me change. I'd rather you check me out than someone else." He's smirking again. I can sense it.

"That's not..! I wasn't!" I say, looking back towards him. Big mistake! He was still shirtless, and now only in boxers. "I just- you- you can't- i- shut up!" I just can't find the words, so I just put my head in my hands and try to hide my flushed face.

"Seriously, you're adorable." He says, removing my face from my hands. He's fully clothes now, so i don't have to worry about THAT anymore, thank god. "What do you want for breakfast?" He asks again. I pout slightly, looking up at him.

"I'm not adorable!" I say, starting to stand up. "Eggs?" I ask. He nods, making his way to the door and swiftly opening it. "Come downstairs when you're ready to go." He says with a smile. "Ok!" I start to close up my bag as he leaves the room.

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