~Blessings of the Lady~

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Genesis looked around blandly. His hand strayed absently to he blade at his side, stroking the metal reassuringly. Another day of guarding prisoners, and no relief in sight.

Not that the prisoners were any problem; they were as bored and exhausted as him. They were all busy waiting, but Genesis knew that the tension that was building could erupt into a fight at at any moment. Carefully, he shifted his weight, scanning the prisoners.

The group huddled close to each other for warmth. Even though they were in a desert, there was a bone-deep cold that challenges even Genesis' brutal training. The rags blend together, but he is able to pick out individual bodies. One, two, three, and the child - four.

The child sneezes, and Genesis starts, hand slipping to his hilt. He curses that they hadn't thought to leave him with a real weapon, just this old blade for protection.

"Protection from what>" he murmurs, startled by the dryness of his voice. He glances over to where his relief lies, wrapped in a faded slicker. Darker don't move.

Absently, Genesis begins stroking the metal of the blade again, cursing the Cat Lord, cursing the Lady Nightshade, cursing anyone he can imagine for being out here like this, his partner falling ill while all he could do is watch.

The child sneezed again.

Shaking his head, Genesis removed his light jacket, revealing a bare chest underneath. Carefully, he caught the eye of the woman cradling the child and tossed the cloth to her. A quiet desperation showed in her eyes as she awkwardly caught the offered jacket, wrapping it around the girl. The two men remained impassive, their large bodies sheltering the females from the cruelty of the desert.

His eyes still locked on the woman's, Genesis stepped back, settling himself on a low rock. The rock, at least, offered some warmth in this frigid desert. Easing his back against the low palm behind him, Genesis sighed, remembering.


The night had dawned cold. Hunting was always best at night, and he was one of the Lady Nightshade's top trackers. This time, however, it was a new quarry, she said. She would need her best, and volunteers, since it might be dangerous.

Genesis, cocky from the favors bestowed on him by the Lady, stepped up first. He didn't have to check if his childhood playmate, Darker, was behind him. Darker was always there, following his lead.

To be continued....       

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