✧°|7-first(?) kiss|°✧

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After what happened between the two they started to run again and finished the run. The angel did not want to say anything because he feels like they might be embarrassed of what happened and feel uncountable if they talk about what happened, or just because he's talking.

The other did not say anything as he was afraid to scare him away. He wanted to thank the boy, but He did not trust themself.

The bell rang and you said your goodbyes to techno while he waved you off as you two walked on different halls.


The school bell rang making it the last. y/n walked out of the class feeling like he forgot something.


Did I forget something? I feel like I do... but what?

I was walking to my locker to get my backpack and then it hit me.

"Come to room 506 after school"

Right. Do I have to tho? The whole thing about the person giving me that and running away was sus but, if I don't go... what if they make me or tomorrow when I don't come they might drag me or put stuff in my locker everyday intal I do?

I touched my golden halo.

I should go then. If they try to abuse me I'll use my halo for protection.

I walked around the almost empty halls reaching the classroom on the fifth floor, I let out an exhall opening the door. I saw someone's back from the classroom, their backpack on the floor. They weren't wearing their black hoodie that I saw from the morning but a white shirt, they were looking out the window that was open, it was big enough for someone to jump off.

I closed the door and made a small noise as the person realized I was there. I looked around the empty classroom and back at the person.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, trying to not sound rude. I don't know if they are bad yet.

"I-" they turned around their face on the ground.

It was sapnap, his horns and white shirt with a fire logo, it was him. But his face, unlike the last time I had seen him, was now guilty. Why is he making that face?

"I- wanted to say sorry" he looked up at my face.

"Look- I didn't know what happened that day fully and acted like a jerk. I wanted to say sorry to you but you keep avoiding me which is understandable..." he let out a dry chuckle looking around the room. I did not say anything, only looking at him.

"I don't need you to forgive me.. I just want you to know that I am sorry-" he looked up to me. I noticed his horns looked dusty with the color of a rotten pumpkin.

"I should have known that she- she would do that.. My friends keep on telling me about her being a red flag but I was so blind...!" his arm was making a fist he looked like he was barely holding it all together. He started to walk up to me. I stepped back as his horns were getting red-orange but stopped as he realized his actions.

"I'm sorry..! I shouldn't have-" he said walking back in rush

"wait-" I opened my mouth to stop him from his actions as it was dangerous, his leg stepped on his backpack as his back fell on the window, half of his body out the window.

He was falling out the window...

He was going to die.

I acted before any thought crossed my mind as I threw my backpack to the side as then I was jumping after him.

Dsmp High School (dream smp x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now