Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you're all doing well. I tried to make this filler chapter about Christmas, it's not the best one but I hope you'll like it.

"Do you like your gifts?"

Ran stared at sparkly dress he just unwarped looking lost and Rindo looked at onigiri plush I gave him with suspisous look.

"Soo you bougth me a plush?"

I noded with smile.

"Yeah, you were gone for a really long time and I had no idea of what to get you, and after you bought me that plush cat I realised just how great gift it is, so I decided to buy you one as well."

"In shape of onigiri?"

"Yes, it's adorible. It remind me of you."

"Eh ... thanks, (y/n) ..."

I left Rindo and his new plush and turned to Ran with inocent smile.

"How about you Ran?"

He studied the dress for a little more before cheerfull smile apeared on his lips.

"I love it, princess! I'll try it out right now!"


Is he serious?

"Wait Ran, it was just a joke ..."

But Ran ignored me and already disapired in his room. I exchange desparete look with Rindo and then sigh.

"I guess I should have expect this."

"Yeah, you shoud."

I noded slightly. I really shoud have, it was Ran after all. I woudn't be even suprised if he walked out to street in it, not that I would let him do that.

"I'll go get the actuall gifts ..."

"So I can get rid of this?"

Rindo waved plush in his hand and I smiled.

"No. You should keep it, at least you'll get something other than me to squese when you'll get scared during scary movie."

"I don't -"

I ignored Rin, he got scared during movies and that was a fact, no matter how much he tries to deny it. When I walked from my room holding actual gifts for these two Ran was already there in dress.

"Oh princess, there you are. I borrowed your shoes, none of mine fit to this. I hope you don't mind."

He managed to find probably only shoes on heels I've got. It suited to dress but that didn't made this any better. I facepalmed because I've got no better reaction for this. Like what he is expecting me to say? He didn't really mind my reaction and chearfully headed away, probably to find something more to add to his outfit. Me and Rin just watched him, wordlessly until he dissapeared in room.

"He's enjoying it ..."

I handed Rindo gifts I bought him. Actuall ones, this time.

"Thanks (y/n)."

He unwarped them and this time he seemed honestly happy with what he got.

"So are you sure you don't wanna go out or so?"

When we were younger we ussually went out and to some restaurant on christmas, but this year I decided to stay home just with Ran and Rin.

(a/n: in Japan Christmas isn't religius celebration but rather a time to spead happines and for couples to spend time together, it's in fact closer to way most countries celebrate Valentine's day. Also favorite food on Christmas is fried chicken so most people go to restaurants, mostly KFC, on Christmas)

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