Diana paced back and forth outside, the breakfast parlor not an hour later. Daniella and Daisy the twins of only 14 years of age walked up to her. The two were identical but only looks, in personality could not be any different. Despite one being more reserved and indifferent and the other the exact opposite they shared a bond only twin sisters could have.

"Good morning Diana! Will you tell us tonight about how you danced with the Prince!" Daisy grinned up at her. "Of course! However, will you wait outside for a moment while I speak to mother in private?" Diana pleaded.

Daniella sighed annoyed, "Please do hurry, I am starved." Diana winked at the two and pushed herself through the door and closed it shut.

Mother and she were notoriously earlier risers, her brothers varied depending on the exploits of the night before, Darcy being the exception.

Mother was humming, the latest Lady Whistledown in one hand while tea in the other. At this time of day when she was alone was the most relaxed Diana will see her. Diana was going to exploit that fact.

"You have been mentioned in the latest Lady Whistledown my dear." her mother smiled at her very pleased. Her mother paused looking at her daughter carefully seeing her dress and hair. "You looked refreshed my dear."

"Oh?" Diana took a sip of her coffee, not looking up. Knowing her mother, she could smell when Diana would be nervous.

"Please do tell, what does Lady Whistledown say." Diana smiled as she filled her plate.

Her mother paused, slowly drawing her unreadable gaze back to the paper.

"I shall summarize, it is quite lengthy in details." her mother started. "The first part is how Lady Cowper seemed to have had heated conversation with her now-married daughter Cressida in public and she stormed off. Good for that girl, her mother is such a brute."

"Indeed, Cressida was never cruel until she came out in her first season and her mother lorded over everything she did to find her match," Diana recalled. "What is next?"

"The good and interesting bit is actually the Prince. The poor man, Lady Whistledown was relentless in his failed last season. She states Will the Prince find love this season? Or has he lost his heart forever! Dear reader, it has come to my attention that the Prince may still be in love with his former Ms. Daphne Bridgerton now the Duchess of Hastings. During the fete last night, the Prince has been spotted with Duchess of Hastings in private conversation and it looks to me dear reader, that he may still harbor feelings for the ever-beautiful former diamond of the first water. The Duchess now pregnant with her first is still quite madly in love with her husband."

Diana choked on her eggs, vaguely remembering Daphne now running in circles with the new wives and matrons of society. It was true, Daphne now forever stared at her husband with deep love, respect and affection and hasn't wavered since.

Her mother paused glancing up before continuing. "Beware, ladies of the marriage mart, a man with lost love, is a lost man, will he truly be opening his heart this season or will he once again go through the motions of Princely flattery and walk away empty-handed."

Diana let out a breath not quite sure how to unpack such damaging gossip, she could imagine Queen Charlotte fuming with rage at breakfast at the palace. At that thought Diana was pleased, but she truly did feel sorry for the Prince, his quest for a Princess will surely be dampened, a woman of worth would never want to be second. Diana began to wonder if it was true, while she didn't witness the interaction she supposed it could be possible.

"Lady Whistledown mentioned you were the only one to make him actually seem like he was enjoying himself last night." her mother interrupted her thought.

Diana felt herself redden again, "He is just polite, probably because if it were true then I was just a distraction."

"Whatever the truth will be, this helps you, you know." her mother said. "And the Queen asked for your audience." Diana grimaced at her interaction with the Queen.

"What did she say by the way." her mother peered at her. Diana bit her lip. "She just wanted to know what kind of girl I was, if I was intelligent and such." Her mother continued to watch her, her ever-assessing gaze, Diana fortified herself to stay strong.

"Mother, I have something to discuss with you." Diana supplied.

Her mother looked back to her paper and closed it carefully. "What is it dear?"

Diana carefully chose her next words, "Dominic is going to the continent and I want to go with him."

Her mother who had always reared with love, adoration, and a firm hand, stayed silent and Diana knew it meant for her to continue. "Before you say no, I will make a deal with you," Diana said quickly. 

"Diana." her mother sighed rubbing her temples.

"I will secure one proposal this season and put forth all the effort you would have of me if it could mean I can go for part of Dominic's tour," Diana bit her lip. "Please mother, I want to see the world before I settle, maybe I'll learn that it is horrid and I want nothing but to stay home and rear a million children for my husband."

"Diana, this is preposterous." her mother leaned back in her chair,  her expression soured. 

"Please, one proposal, and I will do anything you ask this season." Diana walked up to her mother and held her hand, decidedly resorting to begging with wide eyes.

Diana leveled her gaze at her mother, her dark eyes, the ones she inherited were still unreadable. One of the things, her mother was good at from being a wife to a Lord and politician, was that she hid her true feelings and navigated society with precision, careful with her words and careful with her presentation.

"TWO proposals Diana AND I will tell you where to go, who to dance with, and what to wear." her mother said suddenly. Diana's eyes grew wide, "I already wear what you want me to wear."

"Only with the consideration of your preferences for comfort, it is time Diana to move outside the box a little." her mother said.

"Then I can go with Dominic for part of his tour," Diana said. "Yes, but only three months." her mother said. "Six and I will even join you in your matron club with needlepoint." Diana offered.

"Fine, you could learn a thing or two from Lady Danbury and I," she said.

Diana now smiled pleased as she settled in her chair. When she glanced at her mother, she could see a smile growing on her as well. 



A/N:  I know! More Prince Freidrich and Diana, coming up I promise! :D.  I am adoring what is playing out in my head. Follow, drop a comment, and let me know what you think! 


Wild Child

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