The Legend

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"And so, the vengeful ghosts of the Saeki family still haunts their family home. If you so much as step foot into the house, the curse will mark you until it kills you." My professor was telling us about the Saeki family curse.
  I was sitting at my desk trying to take notes. The class was going on for two hours and my hand was beginning to cramp, but I kept pushing myself to write.

"This stuff is totally fake," my best friend Haru snickered under his breath. "Right?" I grinned. "I mean, ghosts can't really hurt people. It's impossible." Haru told me. "Probably," I went back to concentrating on taking notes, and as much as I loved talking to Haru, I wanted to make sure I was passing my classes because I still had my scholarship.

  "What was that Mr. Kaneko?" the professor asked with a raised eyebrow. "How can a ghost follow you and physically harm you if they're dead?" Haru casually asked him. As much as he loved the supernatural and the mystery behind it, he was quite the skeptic. "If you were paying attention, Mr. Kaneko, the ghosts of Kayako and Toshio Saeki are onryō. This means it's possible for them to follow you and cause physical harm." he replied. "The spirit must have died a horrific death like the Saeki family, and they will seek vengeance on anyone who dares step into the house." the professor informed all of us in the lecture hall. 

  It was a horrifying story to say the least. It had been about fifteen years since the murders of Kayako and Toshio. A woman named Karen Davis had gone there to take care of an ailing woman named Emma, but the curse had claimed her as she tried to burn the house down, attempting to stop the curse. People were strongly warned to stay away from the house, because the death toll was rising from going into the house. 

I had been studying in Japan for four months and I was having lots of fun. Haru was the first person I met and he was nice enough to help me find my way to my classes, and we have been best friends ever since.

We both had a love for the unknown and horror movies. Sometimes we would pull pranks on each other to keep each other on our toes, and as friends we liked teasing each other just for fun. It was all in good    fun. I'll have to admit, I did have a crush on him. He was a nice guy and there was never a dull moment with him.

    "Why don't we go to the house, it's not far from here." Haru suggested. "As in go inside it?" I looked up from taking notes. "Precisely," he replied, grinning mischievously. "Okay, sounds like a good idea if you have a death wish." I didn't want to go into the death house, real or fake, I didn't want to risk anything. "Mariah, they're called urban legends for a reason, which means that it's most likely a hoax. Just because a house is old doesn't mean that it's haunted." 

"Dude, I understand what you're saying, but it's not gonna happen." I was done with the conversation.  

  "I'll be your best friend," he bribed humorously. I looked at him funny, "News flash, you are my best friend." I had to grin. "What if we just look at the house and not go inside?" I attempted to compromise. "I suppose that's good enough." said Haru with a smile.

"Okay, we'll go tonight." I promised. "You are the most amazing woman I've ever known." Haru beamed. 

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