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Spongebob woke up in the morning and checked the calendar "today is the day Gary!" Gary meowed "meow? (Christmas?)" Spongebob tore the calendar "sorry about this calendar, yes Gary! Today is the day I invite my friends to my house, I'm hosting a Christmas party remember?"

"Meow mow (of course I do)" the cat said. Gary asked him "mew mow? (Wait a minute you're gonna invite him here too?!)" Spongebob's face turned vintage pink "of course! He's my closest and my best neighbour after all!"

Gary rolled his eyes "mow(you meant the worst)" SpongeBob avoids hearing what the cat said and prepares the violet invitation for later. Spongebob wore his red scarf, his dark cyan cloth which had pieces of cotton in its end, his fur lumberjack hat, red gloves, and his cottoned boots.

Spongebob looked at the weather it was snowing outside and the temperature was 32° Fahrenheit. Luckily he can manage to regenerate if it's not that cold. He opens the door "I'm going to work Gary! Goodbye!" He closes the door and enjoyed looking at the snow.

He saw Squidward get out of his house what he wore was a purple scarf and a white shirt that had long sleeves and quite a revealing turtle neck. Squidward looked at Spongebob which they both are from a distance until a snowball hit his left shoulder.

Spongebob looked in the direction that hit him, and it was Patrick! "Patrick!! I'm going to work maybe we could try playing snowball fight later?" Patrick ate one snowball on his pointy fingers "oh uhh sure thing bud!" Spongebob smiled and threw his snowball at Patrick and it became a headshot.

"Later pat!" Spongebob ran to Squidward and they both continued to walk. Spongebob looked at Squidward with his goofy smile "hey Squidward! Got any plans for tonight?" Squidward doesn't seem to care but he answers anyway.

"No I don't, if you're asking me for an invite then I'm not going to one of your parties.." Spongebob frowns "oh..." he looked down while walking. His sad reflection made Squidward feel a bit bad "what's the matter?"

Squidward worriedly said "it's just that- you always deny every time I talk to you or give you an invitation party. It's like you don't even want to go outside.. do you- hate me?"

Squidward's eyes almost dropped "what?! No, I don't! I just like the way you are! Look if you don't exist or you leave this bikini bottom, the people here would go haywire just because that no one is there to cook a Krabby patty"

Squidward looked up to the sky appearing snowflakes dropping, he continued "so don't ever feel like I hate you, and I don't okay? You are just fine of the way you are." Spongebob completely flattered with the words, blushed.

"Aww, thank you squiddy who knows that you have a soft side!" Squidward grunts and used his scarf to bury his heating face with his pink blush. "You only know about this and not anyone else.. so let's keep moving.."

Finally, they reached the restaurant, they opened the door and it was completely frozen and silent. Spongebob took off his gloves and his hat "I'll go and turn on the heater in the kitchen, I know that there is a switch somewhere"

Spongebob checked the ceiling and saw the switch he then turned it on and adjust the temperature to 98.6° Fahrenheit 37° celsius. Spongebob pressed the button and now the heater began to light up.

Spongebob took off his coat and scarf. "Alright just gotta heat things up" he grabbed his spatula, wore his Krusty Krab hat and pulls the frozen patties out of the freezer and put it on the grill.

Squidward took off his purple hat and his scarf. And wore the Krusty krab hat as well. 3 customers came inside and ordered "3 Krabby patties and 2 kelp soda!" And then they went to table 6. Spongebob heard it and smiled full of joy. "3 Krabby patties coming right up!"

Spongebob went to table 6 and gave them 3 Krabby patties and 2 kelp sodas. He went next to Squidward's post, he greeted him dreamily "heyy~~~~" Squidward felt weird hearing the voice coming out from Spongebob. (this heyy thing is originally from the episode squid plus one)

Squidward sighed "what is that you want now?" Spongebob laughed "I just want to talk to you." Squidward stopped reading his art magazine "about what?" Spongebob bursts out his joy "the party silly! I'm hosting a Christmas party, inviting my closest friends and even my other friends! Although there is one VIP person that is at the party, I was wondering if you could ever get there too.."

Spongebob waits for his answer "I'm not coming to any silly parties SpongeBob, you know I don't like big part-" "well there will be only 5 of us at the party and it's less, I don't invite other people like Mrs Puff and larry- I remembered a few parties that larry took it too far when he was drunk-"

Squidward smirks "why what did he do?" "He threw Fred down the stairs, luckily he's used to it that's why he keeps shouting
'my leg!'" Spongebob laughs and Squidward joined in too.

"Who will you even try to invite?" Squidward asked curiously, Spongebob counted "five! I'm inviting sandy, Patrick, Mr Krabs and plankton hopefully they both don't ever start a fight" he mumbles that Squidward could hear it loud and clear. "And I wanted to invite you too if you want?" "Me?.." "yeah you! I just want for you to come to my Christmas party, so what do you say?" Squidward scratched his neck.

He coughs "ahem I'll think about it.." Spongebob's sparkling eyes couldn't stop looking at Squidward and smiled "aww okay! But I can't wait for it! I'll be happier if you came to my party, but if you don't I'm not sure.."

Squidward smiled "pfft just stop thinking about it I'll manage it" Squidward couldn't bear to think what kind of present he'll give to Spongebob. "In a Christmas party if you ever get invited you need to bring a gift for whoever is hosting" Squidward buried his face in his magazine (what do I do?! I don't even know what Spongebob's favourite is-) he thought of himself.

Squidward kept thinking (i mean- he already has all episodes and DVDs of mermaid man and barnacle boy but what is his other favourite colour? I could give him ice cream? No. there is literal snow ice everywhere. What about antlers? Nope really really useless-)

Squidward felt like he wants to slam his head to a wall or some sort "just think Squidward think!" As the shift goes on it is already break time. Spongebob entered Eugene's office and closed the door.

"Hey, Mr Krabs!" Mr Krabs stopped counting his pennies "yeah what is it, lad?" Spongebob lent him a purple invitation "I was hoping if you want to come to my party tonight at
8 pm?" Mr Krabs laughed "argargargargarg sure son I would happily join you"

Spongebob gulps "so about that, plankton might as well get invited since he is a lot lonelier than we expected. But please try not to start a fight between you both please?" Spongebob pleads with his cute innocent face. "Aight fine but if he ever asks you or Squidward the formula I ain't going easy"

Spongebob smiled "okay thank you Mr Krabs!" "You're welcome boy'o" Spongebob left the office and wore his winter clothes "I'll be back in a minute!" "Where are you going?" Squidward questioned, Spongebob responded, "Giving these purple invitations to my friends!"

Spongebob stopped speed walking and looked at Squidward. He raised his right hand to his mouth level and does a blown kiss to Squidward. "Bye squiddy~~~" Squidward blushed while the other customers awed.

Squidward shouts "SPONGEBOB I SWEAR TO NEPTUNE I WILL TEAR YOU APART!" Spongebob skip walks "not happening~~~" Squidward mumbles.

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