S1 - CHAPTER 17 Retz

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"Retz are you here?" Omokage whispered "Big brother!" Retz said with joy in her eyes "It's ok, you're big brother is here" Omokage said as he pats Retz in her head "I'll make sure they wouldn't hurt you, I'll always be in you're side forever".


I opened my eyes as tears was flowing from them "urghh" I wiped my tears and starts to get ready for the day. I glanced at a photo of my brother "You're a liar, you know that?" I said as I look at his picture "You said you'd be on my side forever, why did you leave".

As I kept eating breakfast, I scrolled through my phone and found this morning's news "Once again, York New City was saved thanks to our beloved heroes Mr. Bug and Cat noir, say Mr. Bug, a lot of people ask if they could be heroes just like you two, what can you advise to those aspiring to be just like you two?" The report ask "Well, everyone can be heroes, with or without powers, by helping anyone in need is already considered as a heroic act, with the right intentions, everyone can be heroes" Mr. Bug said "And if you're lucky, you might find yourself perfect love interest, I know I do hehe" Cat noir joked earning a glare from Mr. Bug.

"Everyone can be heroes ey?, Hmmm".


"Another day saved by yours truly, urghh I'm so tired" I said as I fall to my bed "Being a hero is like having big responsibilities, You'll get used to it Gon" Tikki giggled "Yeah" I smiled.

"Gon, someone's looking for you!" Aunt Mito shouted from the ground floor "just a sec!" I replied "I wonder who could it be". I went downstairs to see aunt Mito on the way "Gon are you alright?, If you have any problems you can always talk to us" aunt Mito said patting my shoulder "I'm doing fine, why do you ask?" I said "Well, For some reason Retz is outside looking for you" she said making me shocked "What?!".

"Hi Retz, how's it going?" I asked "I'm not here to chit chat, I need to talk to you, follow me to the park" she said grabbing me by the hand 'I guess i have no choice but to follow, i hope i live' i thought to myself.

"So what are we going to talk about?" I ask and she looks at me in the eyes "I nee.....I n..... I need yo.... Urghh why is it so hard to say" she said angrily "tale your time?" I said nervously. She started mumbling words i cant hear "I'm sorry i can't hear you Retz" "Urghh I need your help ok!" She shouted "You need my help?" I asked "Yes are you deaf!?" She replied "Why do you need my help?" I asked her and she looks away "Look, I know you're surprise but, your the only person i can talk to right now, if you didn't know" she said calmly "Ahh ok, uhmmm" 'I don't know what to say ahhhhh, but she asked for help, I don't know what's happening to her but I'll try to do the best i can, I've never seen her like this before' I said to myself.

"So what do you need my help for?" I ask "Well, uhmm, help me be a good person, Gon" she said "I don't know what to say" i said embarrassed "I know, it's surprise right?, The thing is, i want to change for the better, but I don't know how, I don't want people to fear me so please, Gon, help me" she said pleading "Sure, of course I'll help you" I said giving her a smile "Yes, I didn't have to offer to pay!" She said happily "You were going to pay me!" I asked "Never mind that let's go!".


"Let's start here, you see those elderly people?" Gon said pointing at the elderlies waiting to cross the road "Those old people?, Yeah what about them?" She said and Gon faced palm himself "Let's help them cross the road" Gon said and Retz nodded. "Hello there sir, shall i assist you?" Gon asked "Yes please, thank you young man" the elderly man said grabbing Gon's hand and starts walking as the pedestrian light turned green "Phss i can do the same" Retz said and walks next to an elderly woman "hey uuhh, shall i help you cross the street?" She said earning a smile from the elderly "Why thank you dear, you're so kind" The elderly woman grabs Retz's hand and starts walking slow 'urghh this is taking forever' she taught to herself. She lost her patience and started walking fast making it hard for the elderly woman to keep up "slow down dear" the old lady begged "urghh" she carries the old lady and started running to cross the street "there we crossed the street" Retz said proudly while the elderly women was shaken from what Retz has done "Retz that qas reckless, you could've hurt her" Gon said looking at Retz "I helped her Cross the road didn't I?, She should be thanking me" Retz said arrogantly "You young people have no respect for your elders!" The Elderly woman said pointing at Retz.

"Ahhh Young people aren't so respectful this days" Hawkmoth said as a white butterfly lands on his hand "Fly away my little akuma and evilize this disrespect old woman!" He said as the akuma slowly makes it way to the old woman.

"Ehhh, shouldn't you be thanking me, not lecturing me old woman" she said and Gon and the old lady gasp "You rotten child!" The old lady lifts her walking stick. Gon then noticed a akuma making it's way to their location 'Oh no an akuma, i got to do something!' Gon taught to himself. He quickly ran to find a place to transform and saw a public Rest room. "Ahh finally its my turn to use the toilet" the man said as he was about to enter "I'm sorry but i got to go!" Gon said as he enters first and locks the door "Hey!" The man shouted "Tikki spot on!" Gon whispered and He starts transforming, he then went out the back window and rushed back to the old woman and Retz "Time to de-evilize!" He shouted as he captures the akuma before it lands on the old woman "Are you ok ma'am?" Mr. Bug asked "Thank you Mr. Bug, m y temper got the best of me, and as for you young lady, you should respect your elders" the old women said as she lefts the area "I don't need your opinion, Gon I did good right?" Retz said but She didn't see gon "Gon?" "Uhhmm well my job here is done, good try Retz" Mr. Bug gave her a smile "I don't need your encouragement" Retz said while leaving.

"Grrrr i was in line first you know!" The man shouted "Hey are you listening!"

"A perfect prey, this time for sure"
Hawkmoth said as a white butterfly lands on his hand "Fly faster or else I'll feed you to the frogs"

Mr. Bug flies back to the public Rest room and de-transform. He opened the doors and hugged the man "Thank you sir, my stomach was acting up and was not sure if I'd make it thank you!" Gon said making the man feel better of himself "Well i guess i can let it slide, as long as i helped you, I'll let this slide" he said as he enters the toilet room and locks it "phew" Gon said

The akume then fly's back to Hawkmoth "I hate you" He said as the akuma de-evilize

"There you are!" Retz shouted "Retz I'm sorey my stomach acted and i really need to go" Gon said scratching his head "Suspicious, but ok, where to next!" She said excitedly 'ohh boy, this is going to be a long day'.

"Waahhhh!" The boy cried as his Ice cream fell on the ground "Oh no that's so sad" Retz said sarcastically "Retz!" Gon nudge Retz "I mean ohh I'm sorry, but that stuff happens and there's nothing you can do about it!" She said proudly making the boy cry harder

"There's nothing more powerful than children's emotions!" Hawkmoth said as a white butterfly lands on his hand "Third times a charm I guess" the akuma then flies away.

"Don't cry, I tell you what, me and my friend here will buy you a new one, how's that sound?" Gon said reassuring the child "Hic* really?" The boy said trying to contain his tears "Yes right Retz?" Gon said but Retz wasn't listening "Right Retz?" Gon said "huh? Ohh uhh sure" Retz smiled "Yay hehehe" the boy giggled.

Hawkmoth stares at the sky and sighs "This is going to be a long day".

It was now late afternoon, the sun has started to set and the road was crowded with cars and pedestrians. Gon and Retz were sitting on the bench by the park eating ice cream "I did bad didn't I?" Retz asked "Yeah, sorry Retz" Gon replied.

"It's getting late, let's go home" Gon said standing up but Retz refused to leave "You're giving up on me too right?" Retz said that surprised Gon "W-what?" "It's true isn't it, I'm a terrible person and everyone hates me, you hate me* Retz said and Gon "I.." "phhsss" Retz stands up "You're just like everyone else!, You're just like him!" Retz shouted as she runs away "Wait Retz!" 'This is bad, Retz needs help'.


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this Chapter, I'm so sorry if i wasn't able to update, but I'm still thankful that  you guys are still supporting my book. Stay connected for more updates 💚

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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