Chapter 23: Like father like son.

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Her eyes fluttered close immediately she opened them, the light hurting her eye sight. She looked down on what she had on and her heart dropped.

Why did she have a towel on?! She could clearly remember having her full clothes on yesterday night, the only thing she could remember was the start of everything, but from the moment he kicked open that door, she couldn't remember what had happened after that.

She hugged her knees to her body, silently wishing so hard it wasn't what she was thinking.


It has been two weeks. Two weeks of plain torture, ever since that night she had not been able to look him in the eye again. He had also avoided her as much as he could, she barely saw him unless she ran into him coming back from work, and it hurt like a b*tch.

Right now, it was around twelve pm, they had arranged an official meeting of his family today. Umma was grateful, she had never set foot out of the house ever since she was brought here it was quite a good start for fresh air.

She was wearing a light green lace with a white chantility veil since it was only within the mansion premises, they were not going any where far. She had a thing for laces, she loved them with every piece of her heart- so you could imagine her excitement when she saw a lot of them in her Kayan lefe.

She picked up her phone and walked out of the room after she turned off the lights, a little smile played on her lips she walked to Ameer's room.

So far, he is the cutest little boy she's ever met. Ever since she arrived he has been clinging to her and she loves it! As for the Oga, he's staying through to his words, he doesn't even glance her way.

She said a Salaam as she entered the room, as soon As he saw her he let go of his Batman toy and ran to hug her with his little Arms.

She shook off the bad thoughts as she hugged her little prince back.

His Nanny greeted her and she answered with a wide smile on her face.

She only noticed then that Ameer was still not ready.
"Why isn't he ready yet?" she asked the Nanny as he went back to playing with his toys.

"He won't let me dress him, he's been running around" she answered with a tired look on her face and Umma couldn't help but feel bad.

"You can leave, I'll take it from here." She dismissed her as she picked him up in her arms again to get him ready

Aryaan finished getting ready and came to get Ameer because he knew how stubborn his son is, he was wearing a white Gezna which he looked dazzling in, he looked and smelled so takeaway as she walked to the room.

He opened the door to Ameer's room with a quiet Salam, but the sight he was greeted with melted his heart. He stood there for some few minutes staring at them before he pulled tge door close quietly and walked back to the living room to wait for them.

Ameer was dressed up in a white T-shirt and black jeans, he had his white spiderman snickers on and he looked so handsome, just like his father.

She stood up.
"Come on Prince, let's go meet Daddy so we can go to grandma hmm?"

He nodded and ran forward before halting for a few seconds, he turned back and ran to stand beside her.
"Let's go together" He offered her his hand.

She smiled at the charming and cute boy before taking a hold of his hand,
"Yes, my prince"

The both of them walked to the living room to wait for him, but he was already there.

He looked up at her before quickly looking away, he didn't want to stare at her for too long, he knew staying true to his words would be hard, but he didn't know it would be this hard for him.

Umma was stunned at how he looked in his Gezna, she thanked the lord multiple times for making her a wife to this man.

They all walked out together with Ameer in their middle as they strolled to Aunt Mariya's chamber.

Thank you for reading❤

With love,

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