"Ive gone insane.."

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How come my schools fucking Mac 'n cheese and pizza so fucking hot but disgusting. But the 'frozen' strawberry cups are melted?! Mm finna complain. Also this chapter contains smut
Harry Pov:
I honestly don't know why I couldn't understand why I don't just say 'don't' instead of 'do-nt'. "So you want me to fuck you? Ok, get on the bed and start prepping yourself." He said confidently, but bit sarcastic. I rubbed my thighs together while his hand was in between them. Let's just say he was a little turned on by this. "Fuck..."

He cursed under his breath I have to admit that was fucking hot and sexy at the same time. "Why should I get on the bed?" I say completely ignoring his 'problem'. He looked me dead in the eye which did scare me. "Get on the bed you tease." I was a little offended but ignored it and sat on the bed. I sat crisscross and you could see my lower half more, it was embarrassing but it was angering him so it works.

"How many rounds, 6?" Malfoy said completely drowned with lust, honestly I was starting to drown into it too. But I wasn't going to let that happen. "Mmmm-none. Because I promised Hermione I'd help her with something." I kissed the top of Malfoys forehead on my tippy toes and walked out.
Probably a bad idea, because Malfoy slammed the door closed before I could leave. At this point you could see both lust and anger in his eyes. He looked at my lips and back at my eyes. "Can we?" Fuccckk consent. "Be gentle?" I asked hoping he won't be to rough. He smirked and looked at my lips again but with more lust.

"I'll try." Was my response back, in an instants felt his lips on mine. After a heated make-out session he slipped his hand under my shirt. "Mhm~" Draco started hastily taking both our clothes off and after I matter of seconds we were both left naked. I heard Draco put a silencing charm along with locking the doors and closing the windows.

"Do you want prep?" I didn't care wether he prepped me or not I just wanted him- woah what am I thinking, I've gone insane. "I don't care, just fuck me~" I said it, I couldn't handle the teasing. I felt Draco shove his dick up my ass(lol) I groaned in both pleasure and pain.
"Mhmm~ no more please!~" I have gone numb after so many rounds I've lost count(10-11) "Draco no more~" I felt him pull out. As soon as he did I flopped down on my pillow out of exhaustion. "Was I too rough for you Harry?" Draco brushed my hair out of my face as he started playing with it. He picked me up and took me to the bathroom in Ron and I's sleeping corders.

"You're all sweaty, aren't you going to shower?" He put me down in the tub and started the water. "I'm tired..." I told him. "I'm going to change the sheets you wash up, ok?" I simply nodded to exhausted to care.

___—__After cleaning up__—___—
"Dray..." nothing no one answered me back, I started sobbing. I heard someone rushing to the bathroom. "D-Dray...?" I was hoping it was Draco I really was. "Harry? Why are you crying?" It was Draco. "I thought you left..." I said through sobs. "I forgot you're so touchy after that.."

I did the grabby arms for him to pick me up. He wrapped a towel around me then carried me bridal style to my bed. I changed and fell asleep.

That's the end of this chapter everyone say Happy Early birthday to my cousin Joshua his birthday is on the 24th, mk bye.
638 words

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