"Okay," Elodie said slowly, giving his every word a deep thought, "But how does that help me?"

"It doesn't, I'm going to help you,"

Elodie grunted, "That's what I came here for,"

He chuckled at her frustration.

"Well for starters, she's really into K-Pop bands," he smiled, "Did you know that?"

"She told me she went to a-a," Elodie hesitated, flashes of the Entity's realm flooding her mind, "A Trickster concert at a Fire Moon festival before, but I never thought she was into K-Pop that much."

"Her favorite band is called JTP and I know for a fact that they just released a new album that she doesn't have. She was talking my ear off about it the other day," he deadpanned.

Elodie made a mental note of the band, promising herself she'd surprise Zarina with concert tickets one day.

"She also loves jellyfish, like loves them. So keep that in mind,"

"Anything else?" Elodie asked.

Immad thought for a moment. "Well, in high school she was really into Greek mythology. She doesn't tell that to many people. She was afraid our parents would think she really believed in it, but she's told me she just saw it as a bunch of really good stories. So, I think actually buying her something related to that would be good.

Other than that, I think something really important to you would be a good gift,"

Elodie was flabbergasted, "To me?"

"Well she cares a lot about people, you especially. Anything important to you would be important to her. It would be like giving a piece of yourself to her," he explained.

"You really think so?"

"I know so!"

Before leaving, Elodie asked Immad about his holiday plans, she thought it would be rude to only talk about herself. She ended up asking him to join her and Zarina on Christmas day, to which he laughed and explained that he was planning on crashing there anyways, whether they liked it or not. Elodie laughed with him, said her goodbyes, and restarted her plans on a gift for Zarina.

"Hey, Z," she called into the living room, she'd just finished wrapping Zarina's gift, "Do you mind if we do presents early? I don't want your brother ruining the moment."

"You know what, that's perfect timing because I just finished decorating the tree!" Zarina smiled.

It was a little tree, barely a foot tall, sitting on an end table, they didn't fill the need to splurge on a big one. Decorating it was a one-person job, which gave Elodie the perfect time to wrap Zarina's gift.

"Let me go get yours," she said, walking towards her bedroom, "I'll be right back!"

Elodie sat down, hands shaking as she fumbled with the small box in her hands, careful not to rip the red and white snowflake wrapping paper.

Zarina returned quickly, practically bouncing with excitement, with a festive bag in her hands, blue and white paper sticking out of it, "Let's do this one at a time, I wanna get your reaction,"

"Are you gonna get a camera then?" Elodie asked.

"Of course not!" Zarina exclaimed, "This is too personal to me, plus I didn't think you'd want a camera in your face. I'll just take a mental picture." she finished matter-of-factly.

"Okay then," Elodie smiled, "I'll go first."

Zarina practically shoved the bag into her hands. Elodie carelessly took the blue and white paper out, tossing it to the floor. She lifted out the biggest thing she could find. A calendar, personally yet professionally made. Opening it up revealed pictures of her and Zarina on every month, along with some miscellaneous ones of their friends and even Elodie's parents.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 ⏰

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