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Tanjiro was fighting with Muzan, you stared at the two.

Muzan's attention was all on Tanjiro. You could smell the slight fear and anxiousness radiating off the demon.

He's become slower... Tamayo's and Shinobu's aging drug is working! Maybe I won't have to use those abilities!!

You thought as you low walked over to Rengoku who still had a faint heart beat.

Thank God

You thought as you let out a relieved sigh.
But that relief would soon disappear as you realized Rengoku's wounds weren't healing with the touch of your skin.

Your mouth gaped as your eyes widened.

I'm tired

You thought as you realized your wounds too hadn't healed all the way.

Out of all times to be exhausted why now!

You thought.

The sound of Tanjiro's increased breathing caught your attention. Tanjiro's speed and movements dulled down as he was become slower.

I should fight too

You thought as you furrowed your brows. "My sword??!" You mumbled as you had realized your katana wasn't in sight.

Where is it?! Where is it?!?

You thought, panically as you eyes the area for your katana.

The sound of blood splattering and skin ripping caught your attention, you turned your head to see Tanjiro.

One of Muzan's tentacles struck his chest another tentacle hit his back and another was heading for his head.

"Shit, Tanjiro!" You yell as you jumped up and ran towards them without your blade and without thinking, leaving Rengoku's side.

I won't make it!

You thought.

A blade passed by you, heading straight for Muzan. The blade held a strong scent of wisteria.

A familiar red spear with wisteria flowers tied to it penetrated Muzan's back.

You looked behind you to see who threw the blade.
"Marione!" You said with relief and a smile.

"Don't let your guard down just yet!" Marion yelled as she pulled out a katana from her belt and tossed you yours.

"And never lose your weapon in a battle" she says as she ran past you.

Marione went to attack Muzan, although her blade was not painted red, it was tainted with a strong wisteria poison.
Delaying Muzan's regeneration just by a second more.

The three of you continuously attacked Muzan all while defending his attacks.

Sometime passed and the feeling of exhaustion began to grow heavy on you. Your wounds deepen and grew as they weren't regenerating.

Marione, a retired Hashira was too feeling the heavy fatigue of exhaustion along with Tanjiro.

Yushiro, Murata and a few other kakushi came to assist the injured Hashira in hope to get them back up into battle.

You could smell the increasing smell of Muzan's blood but it wasn't from him himself it had been from Tanjiro.

The lumb of Muzan's blood had grown, covering his eyes.

Muzan too noticed this and chose to take advantage of that.
He whipped a tentacle at him.

"Tanjiro!" You yelled as you pushed your foot off the ground, pushing yourself towards Tanjiro.

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