a new friend

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Many of the teachers stayed even after the bell rang we all talked for a minute or two longer before they all made me swear to silence over the matter. I wasn't going to say anything anyway. I started my trudge back to the dorms. I wish they'd just let me go back classes already. I can't stand this constant silence.

As I walked into the dorms I heard music playing.  And like the white girl in any horror movie, I went to investigate.  I followed the noise up to the third floor and to our of the vacant rooms. When I opened the door I saw the purple haired emo boy that i completely forgot was moving in.

"Oh, shinso!" I said surprised and he turned and looked at me just as surprised. 

"What are you doing here Midorya?" He walked over and stood at the doorway with me.

"Oh I'm excused from my classes currently. " I smiled up at him.

"Oh, same" he gave an akward laugh.

"Would you like some help? I really need to do something before I die of boredom."

There was the slightest lift of the corners of his lips. "Ya, sure."

I like working with shinso it's a very comfortable silence. We didn't talk besides him to tell me where he wants things. We didn't need to talk other than that. The music he played off his phone filled it just fine.

We finished rather quickly. We were left with a couple hours before the others got back. "So you wanna go into town and get some snacks?" Shinso asked as we sat on his bed.

"Ya! That sounds like a great idea!" I smiled, it was a real smile that almost hurt for some reason.

"Okay, how we gonna sneak out?"  He turned onto his side to face me.

"Over the wall obviously." I turned to face him with a mischievous grin.

"I was unaware that the cinnamon roll had such a bad side." He teased.

"Don't tell, it'll ruin my rep." I teased back before we both sat up and laughed.

We left the dorms and walked to one of the walls surrounding UA. I picked up the tall emo boy and using all for one I jumped over easily.

We walked down to the city. It was a long yet calming walk. "You remind me of that one pro hero..heroes... what's her name... the bunny chick-"

" Oh you mean the rabbit hero Mirko" I giggled "how so?"

"Wellyou literly have bunny ears on your hero costume, you hop around alot when you fight, and your kick can easily destroy a building. "

I blushed slightly in embarrassment. "Well I suppose so-"

"You should intern with her next chance you get."

It was a simple suggestion but one that got me rambling like the fan boy I am about all the pros and cons that would be. I'm not sure if he was paying attention or not but he didn't tell me to stop or interrupt me like most would.

It wasn't long before we reached a Ramen shop and decided that this will be where we stop to eat. I really like being around shinso. I haven't felt this at ease in a long time.

Kirishima pov.

When class ended most of the class practically ran to the dorms to see if shinso was really there moving in. However his stuff was there and he was not. I figured he'd gone back to the general studies dorm to get more of his stuff. I went to go find Midorya with kaminari but he was no where to be seen. So maybe he's helping shinso...?

I wanted an hour and with no show from either one of them I went to Mr. Aizawa.  I knew that we aren't to leave campus during school hours with out permission of your homeroom teacher and nezu so Mr aizawa should know. However when I asked him shock and concern washed over his features. I took out my phone and begun calling him. I went straight to voice-mail every time.

Bakugou looked like he was on the verge of literly blowing up. Uraraka was sitting with him on the couch trying to calm him.  It seemed to be stressing her out more though- iida had gone on a rant about how we shouldn't leave campus without permission and sero eventually took him to his room for some "cool down time" which is just sero smoking weed and iida lecturing him until he's taken in enough of the smoke to also get high. He's honestly the classes savior for doing that. Although I think they both enjoy it more than either let on. I've walked in on one if their cool down times and they were in a major make out session that was getting really handsy. I just shut the door and went on my way without ever telling anyone of what I saw.

"I'll be honest I'm not surprised your a cat person-" Midorya laughed as he and the tall purple haired emo boy walked in together. They were carefully grocery bags full of stuff.

"Where the hell have you two been!?" Aizawa yelled sharply at them.

Midorya and shinso both came to a hult and looked at Mr Aizawa "um... we went out to eat and went shopping..." shinso said and diverted his gaze.

"Neither are you allowed off campus!" Aizawa yelled sharply. Everyone in the common room and kitchen were now watching.

Midorya looked straight down at his feet. He didn't look up he didn't even talk. Instead shinso looked down at Aizawa then glanced at Midorya. "We were sick of being trapped here." Shinso snapped back just as sharply before grabbing Midorya's hand and pulling him upstairs. Our teacher only watched as Midorya was gently pulled along.

Everyone starred in shock. It was a death wish to talk back to Mr. Aizawa much less walk away from him as well.

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