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   They say curses should be avoided for a reason. Urban legends have always fascinated me but I didn't think they were actually real.
In a small town in Tokyo, a curse that consumed the victim with an uncontrollable rage was born. This curse consumed a husband, wife, and son.

  First, it devoured the husband and caused suffering to his wife and son.

Kayako Saeki and Toshio would be the victims of the curse. Now their ghosts haunt their family home. If anyone was foolish enough to cross the door into the house, then the curse would attach itself to the person, and it would follow them until they met their horrifying end.

It's a miracle of how I'm still able to write this, and I feel the cold air of death breathing down my neck. She is following me and she won't stop until I'm dead. I need to stop this.
I need to figure out how to stay alive.

I'm terrified.

I have been to many paranormal locations in my life and nothing has happened besides some weird things showing up in photos I took. These locations have claimed to be cursed, but nothing else occurred.

When I went to the Saeki house, it was a different story.

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