Part 7: Out of the egg shell into the fire.

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Here I thought things were starting to look up for good old me. I evolved twice. I got the hang of hunting in the cave. I even figured out how to lay poisonous traps by combining my threats skill with my poison synthesis skill and with the added bonus of now having friendly little slime with broken skills helping me when I'm in trouble. Sadly, life is never that easy in this place, apparently! I was really excited when, according to the system, my magicule levels increased after something fell into my traps. I rushed toward it, hoping for something more impressive than the small fries we had been hunting around here. Even the giant snakes aren't as intimidating as they were, and well, something "impressive" fell into one of my traps. If you consider a human impressive.

Rimuru and I just stood in front of the corpse for a while, unsure of what to do besides praying to whatever god is in charge of this place. I mean, what else are we supposed to do? What else am I supposed to do? I killed a person! It wasn't my intention, but it happened! Part of me felt sick, while others tried not to think about it while trying to figure out how to make the most of this. Luckily, Rimuru was there to give me some degree of moral support, and as much as I like to be alone, this is one of those rare occasions when I'm glad I'm not alone. That reminds me, doesn't Rimuru have a skill that lets him transform into whatever he eats? It's kind of like Kirby, but blue! I asked him if he would eat the human, which understandably shocked him. Then I proceeded to elaborate using all the new social skills I had been developing with Rimuru, which still hasn't granted me one of those actual magical skills for some reason! Really, where is the speech skill tree?! I want to unlock the witty quips!

I managed to convince him, but he said to give him some time to prepare himself, which is totally valid. Cannibalism is something no one is prepared to do. I know this because I was about to starve to death when I ate one of my siblings. Speaking of eating, my spider eyes noticed a big, juicy egg rolling away. Finally, some real food! I don't care if I don't have a way to cook it. I'm going to crack it open and eat it raw like one of those gym bros! Protein, baby! I leap toward the egg and begin to hit it with my spider legs, which I quickly realized was a terrible idea! Ow! It is like hitting a rock! I wonder if there is a skill that lets me do some cool karate chops. Well, I can't give up now. Do you know what they say? "Fortune favors the bold!" And I'm as bold as they get! Spider fangs go!


That may not have been my brightest idea... AAAAH! MY TEETH! THEY HURT SO BADLY! Okay, "Egg," no more playing nice! I will go through your hardshell and enjoy your juicy inside, even if it's the last thing I do! Chargee!


AUCH! Did that egg just... attack me? How dare it? I'm above you in the food chain! Breakfast shouldn't retaliate against you when you are trying to eat it! Well, joke on you; I have a plan: I attached webbing to the top of you, tied a portion of the web up in the ceiling, and up you go! Woah! This egg is kind of heavy. It is like lifting a boulder. It is a good thing all these monster-hunting gave me the title "Monster Slayer," which not only sounds cool but also gave me two quite handy skills. Strength and solidity, as well as dealing more damage to the monsters. Thank you, voice lady! Now the egg is high up in the air, and beneath it is quite a mean-looking boulder, ready to crack it open. Let's go boulder-sama! Time for a devastating tag-team attack.



Reincarnated!? What! NO! No! No! Before I could process the new information, I let go of my silk. I try to quickly take hold of the silk once more, but it quickly escapes my grasp. I even tried to jump into the air to grab it, but it had already flown out of my reach! Rimuru promptly jumps between the rock and the egg, hoping he can cushion it somehow, but...

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