If only he didn't proceed with stealing Shinichiro's bike with Baji, Shinichiro would still be alive and Mikey wouldn't be in the state he is in now in the future, they wouldn't be manipulated by Kisaki, Toman wouldn't be an evil organization in the future, and Emma, along with Baji, would still be alive

Clenching his fist, Kazutora stopped in his tracks, taking deep breaths to calm himself from just finding Kisaki and killing him right here and now

His phone ringing stopped him from his train of thoughts, pulling it out of his pockets, he hesitantly answers the call after seeing Chifuyu's name on his phone's screen, confused as to how can Chifuyu call him, when Chifuyu's in the future

"Hanemiya-san?.."the doctor's voice seems unsure on the other line, confusing Kazutora even more

"Hai? It's me, is something wrong?.."he asked, wanting to know how the doctor got ahold of Chifuyu's phone

"Someone was rushed here today and when I checked his contacts, your number was saved under the name Tora-"Kazutora didn't let the doctor finish his sentence, he instantly ran towards the direction of the hospital

Not caring if he almost got ran over by a few cars when crossing the streets

'It can't be..' he thought as he runs, not stopping in his tracks, wanting to see the evidence for himself

Arriving there, the doctor was waiting for him in the lobby, who immediately approaches him, Kazutora instantly asked the rooms number

"What room is he in?"he asked looking at the doctor, as he tries to catch his breath from all the running that he did

"Seventh room on the left-"the doctor didn't finish his sentence when Kazutora sprinted towards the said hallway, eager to see Chifuyu and to check if it was really him

Slamming the door of the said room open, he saw Chifuyu's unconscious form laying in the hospital bed, that he slowly approached, footsteps were heard behind him, Kazutora didn't need to turn around because he knows it was the doctor

"Witnesses say he was found inside his car, unconscious.. They thought he was already dead, since his pulse stopped when they checked him after trying to pry his car open"the doctor informs as Kazutora looks at Chifuyu's face

"He's stable now... He doesn't seem to have any serious injuries, so he'll probably wake up soon. The police thinks someone wanted him dead, so they tried to make it seem like he killed himself by suffocating him inside his car.."the doctor informs as he flips through the clipboard that he has in his hands"I'll let you stay.."he adds before leaving the room, not before patting Kazutora on his shoulder

Kazutora sat on the stool beside the bed as he gets ahold of Chifuyu's hand, Kazutora didn't know what to feel, he's glad that Chifuyu's here but he doesn't want Chifuyu to be in this state

Looking at Chifuyu's face closely, Kazutora noticed a few scratches, the side of his lip was also bruised, they look fresh, it looks like he just got them

Kazutora then checked his arms, seeing a mark on Chifuyu's wrists, it looks as if it was tied together by a rope because of the bruise that formed on it, gripping on Chifuyu's hand with both his own, Kazutora looks at Chifuyu's face with a sad smile

'Don't worry, Fuyu. I won't let Baji die this time' he thought not taking his eyes off of Chifuyu's face

Kazutora stayed overnight in the hospital, the doctor checking him every now and then, since he hasn't come out of the room ever since he arrived, the doctor was kind enough to bring him food, but he hasn't touched them either

Kazutora even forgot to inform the two teens that he's not coming home because he'll be keeping an eye on Chifuyu, the doctor had to force him to eat the next day, since he didn't eat or leave the room at all yesterday

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