The Rose: A Findle Hall story

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The princess carefully raised the china cup to her lips, savouring the exotic fragrance that wafted out. Tea could always calm her nerves down.

She took a deep breath, letting the exhausting etiquette lessons of the day settle peacefully in her mind. Being a princess was tough.

She made to flatten an obnoxious crease in her frosty pink tea-length dress, and as she did so she glimpsed movement in the oak tree across from her. It quivered again and she stood up, holding in her breath. A branch cracked and something tumbled onto the ground in front of her.

It was a boy.

He struggled to his feet and stood up, looking down at her with a sheepish grin. He wore a royal-blue blazer and matching pants, with bits of debris all through his thick brunette hair.

'And who are you?' she asked, clutching the back of her outdoor chair and fidgeting under his gaze.

The boy said nothing, instead, he reached into his pants pocket and hunted around for a moment before pulling out a rosy gold flower with a slip of paper tied around its slender stem with purple ribbon. He placed it on the table and stepped back, always glancing at her. She clutched the chair harder and gasped.

'Ohh, thank you!' As a princess, you definitely had to politely accept a gift - even from a stranger. She delicately lifted it up, then tugged at the little bow, untying the note and lifting it up to read.

Scrawled in elegant handwriting was a beautiful little riddle.

To prove my friendship true, I give this gift to you.

Her face lit up as she turned to thank the mystery prince again, but he was gone. Vanished from where he had been standing.

She smiled inwardly and blushed, letting a giggle escape her as she wandered back into The Great Hall, contemplating the strange encounter. Had she just imagined it, or did she just make herself a friend?

(Please note that is not my illustration.)

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