"Red or white?" He asked as I approached, knowing that I would ask for a glass of wine. 

"Red. Something complementary," I said and he nodded, understanding my meaning. He poured a glass and set it on the bar. I picked up the glass and took a sip as I turned my attention to the monitors; two of them had been set to view Rooms C and D, and the third was still cycling through the others. Both rooms had been prepared according to my instruction. A few sips later, (y/n) had been escorted into Room C. She was confused by her surroundings; the white room containing only a silver chair, a white canvas and easel, and a paintbrush. Glass in hand, I left the lounge and headed for Room D. I opened the door and flicked two switches on the wall. The first switch turned on the room's white florecent lights, the second removed the privacy film from the right hand wall, revealing a two way window. (Y/n)'s attention snapped to the window, her eyes missing mine and landing on the nude female figure standing in the middle of the room. The woman's hands were bound by a chain hung from the ceiling, her feet secured to the floor, a gag in her mouth, and her hair dyed a split pink and platinum. The woman's body resembled (y/n)'s before she became pregnant, a fact (y/n) seemed to have notice judging by the shocked look on her face. 

"Hello darling," I directed all my attention to the woman rather than (y/n). "My, you look ravishing all tied up like this". I took a sip as I admired the woman's body. I found nothing about the woman attractive, it was impossible to find anyone but (y/n) attractive, but I needed to put on a show. The woman was conscious, letting out muffled cries and looking around the room frantically. 

"Hush now, darling," I put two fingers under her chin and lifted it to look at me. She pulled her head away from my fingers and struggled against the restraints. I pulled my hand away and stepped back, moving for a small table in the corner of the room. I set down my glass and approached the woman. I pulled my arm back and swung, slapping her across the face. Her body froze, blood quickly rushing to her cheek. I grabbed her chin roughly and forced her to look at me. 

"Don't you fucking dare pull away from me, do you understand me?" Her eyes grew wide and filled with tears, more muffled cries coming from beneath the gag. "My patience with you has run thin, darling. I will not stand for any more insubordination." I locked eyes with the woman, expressing more anger than I new was pent up. (Y/n)'s behavior called for a stronger punishment than I could give her. I did not want to put our unborn children at risk, meaning I couldn't make her bleed as much as I'd like. 

"You've been acting out much too often, leading me to believe that you have forgotten your place. I think you're overdue to be put back down." I let go of her chin and reapproched the table. I selected a knife and flipped it over in my hand a few times. 

"This is a lesson, darling, not one that I enjoy teaching," I gripped the knive's handle and stepped behind the woman, giving (y/n) an constructed view. I reached my hand around the woman and began dragging the knive's edge along her cheek. She screamed in pain and I wished I could enjoy it but I took no pleasure in this. I moved the knife up to her arms, slicing from just below the wrists down to near her armpits. The blood slowly started to coat her arms, working it's way down to her chest. 

"You are my property. I. Own. You." I looked past the woman and directly at (y/n). I kept my eyes locked on hers as  pushed the knife into the woman's torso and dragged it down, creating a deep vertical gash. I pulled out the knife and walked out from behind her, setting the knife back on teh table and grabbing the empty paint can from beneath the table. I placed the can on the ground between the woman's legs, where a pool of blood had amassed. The blood gushed down from her torso and poured into the paint can.

"When I call for you, I expect you to come running. When I give you an order or a rule, I expect you to follow it to the letter. You are my wife and my queen, but you are foremost my property. I have been generous and allowed you most freedoms, but I see now that it was a mistake. I am not your equal, nor am I just your husband. I am your king, your god, and I demand respect." I kept my eyes locked on (y/n), her eyes locked on the bleeding woman. Her eyes were wide, tears brimming, and she looked pale as if she might vomit. I approved the window and slammed my fist on the glass, starling her. "Next time I ask you to come to my office, I suggest you stop painting immediately." I looked into her eyes, searching for remorse beneath the immediate fear. 

"I love you, and I gain no pleasure from this," I softened my tone in attempt to convey I was being genuine. "Until you can remember your place I can't grant you the freedoms I wish to. This is for your own good." I stepped away from the window and back to the switches on the wall. I flipped the second switch to hide the window before opening the door. A guard entered and retrieved the paint can to deliver it to (y/n) next door. Since painting seemed to hold her attention, it seemed a fitting punishment. I walked back to the table and picked up my glass and took a sip, bringing the glass to half empty. The steam of blood between the woman's legs had slower to a trickle. I held my glass beneith it and let it drip into the glass, pulling it away once the glass neared three-quarters full. I swirled the wine and blood together as I exited the room and returned to the lounge. I took a seat on the sofa and watched (y/n) on the monitor. I took a long drink. The events of the afternoon did not bring me pleasure, but it was hard not to enjoy a nice glass of wine.

Bleed (Moriarty x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें