The Siege of Hyrule Castle

Start from the beginning

"Which means we have to restart the fight", Link sighed

"Unfortunately,", Zelda said

"Come on, if we can take out the Malice Monsters, Hyrule Castle should be opened to us", Kate explained, "we might have to take the secret passageways, but we can defeat Ganon",

"Mom's right, let's move out", Sheik said as the four ran off, defeating the Malice Monsters once again, and opening Hyrule Castle, entering through the front gates, Astor stood in their way

"So, here you all are... all of you despicable pests", Astor sneered, the group drawing their weapons, but what caught everyone's eye, a small guardian was behind Astor, resembling Terrako, however, it was black instead of white and had a red eye instead of blue.

"But, that looks like", Zelda began, looking at Terrako, the small guardian behind Astor began changing into a monster, Harbinger Ganon

"I will crush you beneath my heel, that is... MY FATE", Astor stated, disappearing with Harbinger Ganon

"If I had to guess, they went somewhere in the castle, near Ganon", Kate said

"I agree, we'll have to fight through and watch out for the Malice around", Link stated, as everyone nodded their heads, making their way inside the castle, the place was in ruins, infested with Stal-Monsters, normal monsters, Malice Monsters, and Corrupted Guardians, which slowed everyone down a bit, especially the Blights re-appearing, when the blights were gone, all that was left, was Astor and Harbinger Ganon, the group separating to fight both, but both ran away to another part of the castle, near Ganon, as Link, Kate, Zelda, and Sheik neared the Throne Room, the four stared down at Astor and Harbinger Ganon

"How, the great Calamity Ganon... selected me", Astor said, "this humiliation... cannot be my destiny, it cannot be, hear me, Calamity Ganon, it's time for you to devour these... these",

Astor began changing into Malice, the malice corrupting him, killing him, Harbinger Ganon absorbing the Malice and Changing into Calamity Ganon himself, from behind, Terrako began beeping, making noises, its blue eye changing to red until it ran toward Calamity Ganon, it's eye now red, and fired a laser, Link was quick to deflect the laser, Corrupted Terrako then drew its weapons and charged at the four

"We have no choice, we must fight him", Zelda stated, the four fighting their former friend until he broke, Zelda then ran toward her broken friend, its eye shining a faint blue, playing her Lullaby that sounded broken

"Zelda", Kate called out in a gentle tone,

"Terrako", Zelda called out as Terrako's blue light died, the Champions standing around, waiting for Zelda, who now had a look of anger, "Calamity Ganon... for the sake of Hyrule... for all those harmed and slain... for our future... this is where you fall",

Zelda ran forward, toward the Throne Room, the Champions following close behind, arriving in the Throne Room, Calamity Ganon waited, letting out a roar once he saw the everyone, Zelda activated her power as Ganon sent Malice toward everyone, Zelda's power absorbing and killing the Malice, but with how much was coming, her power couldn't keep up

"I must protect... everyone", Zelda said as then Terrako launched himself at Ganon, exploding, only shattered pieces of him remained, "No more... it is time... to end this",

"Let's do this", Kate said, the Champions charging forward, fighting Ganon, after some time, Ganon was down

"Zelda, now", Link shouted, using her bow of light, Zelda shot Calamity Ganon down, both Link and Kate ran in to finish him off

"You can do it, little guys", Daruk cheered

"Don't mess this up", Revali shouted as both Link and Kate jumped in the air and let out a battle cry, the Master Swords sliced through Calamity Ganon

"The rest is up to you", both Link and Kate said in unison, Zelda nodded her head, activating her powers and finally sealing Calamity Ganon, for good, the Blood Moon disappeared, the moon setting, dawn had come in, the monsters around were gone, the Guardians, no longer corrupted, Ganon, gone, Hyrule was free, walking outside the castle, Terrako's pieces began glowing, as did Sidon, Teba, Riju, Yunobo, and Sheik.

"Well then, it seems the time has come", Riju stated, "I could not be prouder, it was an honor to be of service",

"I know you'll lead our people well, Riju", Urbosa said

"Thanks for everything, Yunobo, we didn't get much time together, but I'll always cherish it", Daruk thanked

"I will too, it was so much fun, you're the best, Daruk", Yunobo complimented

"This has been enlightening", Teba said, "I even got to see the face behind the Champion",

"I know... that we'll meet again, dear brother", Mipha said

"Yes, you're my beloved sister... and our hearts will never be apart", Sidon stated

"Although it's time... I don't want to go back", Sheik said with a chuckle

"You have the heart of a warrior, Sheik, we may not have been there in your past, but I promise you, we will be here", Link explained

"Funny, you told me almost the same thing", Sheik said with a smile

"Just stay safe on your way back", Kate asked

"I will", Sheik said

"I will never forget today's miracles", Zelda explained, "how all of you fought by our side, and the trials we overcame together, I'll treasure... our friendship always",

Sheik, Sidon, Riju, Teba, and Yunobo disappeared, floating toward the sky as lights before shooting off to return back to their original time

"And now, as you return to your future... may the light shine upon you, for all time", Zelda said, looking out into the distance

"Only one more thing to do", Kate said, holding out a small bag, filled with Terrako's parts, with a smile, Zelda ran toward Purah, in which, she was able to restore Terrako within a few days as Hyrule Castle and Hyrule Castle Town were being rebuilt

"That does it, EUREKAAAA, uh... well, maybe not", Robbie said, not seeing Terrako turn on

"Yeah, hold your horses, champ, cause... I mean, I don't think it's working at all", Purah stated, checking out Terrako

"Was there something we forgot", Kate asked

"We got all the parts", Link said

"You've done all you could do, the results will surely reflect that", Urbosa reassured

"Calm down, that thing's probably just stretching out its nap", Revali stated

"Well, come on, you, wakey-wakey right now", Impa called out, hitting Terrako in an attempt to wake it up

"Impa, stand back", Zelda said, gazing into Terrako's eye that soon lit up blue, Terrako was back, putting a smile on everyone's faces, Zelda soon hugged Terrako, then said...

"Welcome home, Terrako",

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