Mipha of the Zora's

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(Zora's Domain)

arriving at Zora's Domain, the group stood in the throne room, Link and Impa were behind the two Princesses as they talked to King Dorephan about letting his daughter, Princess Mipha, pilot Divine Beast, Vah Ruta.

"Mipha pilot the Divine Beast", King Dorephan asked

"Yes", Zelda said, "our father, King Rhoam, has faith she will do her utmost... with your permission, of course",

"This will be a dangerous mission, piloting the Divine Beast against the darkness", King Dorephan stated, "and I understand that the ones who will seal the darkness has not appeared yet",

"That is true", Kate said

"Then I must refuse, I cannot send my daughter into such peril", King Dorephan said

"But...", Zelda began

"Your Majesty, I bring news", a Zora Guard called out, running into the throne room, "monsters on Ploymus Mountain, marching this way",

"Then we shall intercept them, find Mipha and Sidon, keep them safe, we must defend the domain", King Dorephan stated

"Allow us to help you out", Kate said as King Dorephan nodded his head, rushing out of the throne room, and out of the domain, the monsters were already there, forcing everyone to fight, helping, Mipha soon joined the fight not only to help the warriors around, but also in search of her little brother, Prince Sidon, but with the electric monsters around, protecting the Zora Captains and pushing the monsters away from the Domain, a soldier had alerted Mipha about her brother, attempting to fight the battle, and all rushed to see little Sidon, giant spear in hand, ready to take on a Lynel, a monster that he wouldn't be able to defeat, or survive, the Lynel slowly approached Sidon as he backed away, shaking

"Sidon", Mipha called out, alerting the Lynel, getting its attention away from Sidon and toward the group,

"This won't be easy", Kate said

"Just keep your guard up, they'll be unpredictable", Link stated as Kate nodded her head, the five charged forward, engaging in battle, using all their strengths to defeat the Lynel, however, the Lynel retreated before anyone could land the final blow, there, Sidon peeked out from his hiding spot.

"Sidon", Mipha called out once again, running toward him and kneeling down, the others watching nearby, "why would you try to fight that beast alone, I was so worried about you", Mipha hugged Sidon, her worry going away, "but still, I am proud, what a brave little brother I have",

Sidon gave Mipha his signature smile, then, Terrako made an alarm sound, alerting everyone, getting to a higher vantage point, the monsters were still advancing toward the domain

"Oh no", Mipha muttered, 

"If we don't do something, the domain will be overrun", Kate thought, not long after, Terrako spoke, even though no one could understand, then, Zelda's Sheikah Slate began glowing, everyone gathered around to see a map of Divine Beast, Vah Ruta on the screen

"What is that", Mipha asked

"The Divine Beast", Kate muttered

"Looks like he wants us to use it for the battle", Link stated

"Mipha, I believe you can pilot the Divine Beast, will you help", Zelda asked, Mipha thought about it for a few seconds before nodding her head

"Alright, but may I ask, would you all accompany me", Mipha asked as the group nodded their heads, making their way to the Divine Beast, Mipha approached the central terminal and activated it, the terminal, and the Divine Beast glowed blue as Ruta woke up, then, Mipha began using Ruta to win the battle and save the domain

"Nice job, Mipha", Kate congratulated as Mipha gave her a gentle smile, there, Mipha believed that she would be able to help out the others when the Calamity striked, all that was left was to convince her father, making their way back to the Throne Room, Mipha stood by, awaiting on what her father had to say

"This attack proves your point, we are woefully unprepared to defend against the calamity", King Dorephan explained, "the Zora will face this peril head on, we must consider the future, we all share this land of Hyrule, so all of us must do our part, Mipha, attend",

"Yes, father", Mipha said, approaching where Zelda and Kate once stood as the two backed away beside Link and Impa

"You will become the pilot of the Divine Beast, Vah Ruta", King Dorephan stated, the look on Mipha's face was a happy one, "on one condition... you must promise to come back safely",

"I promise", Mipha said with a smile, a few seconds later, everyone was dismissed, the group began walking around the Domain

"Congratulations sis, you have successfully recruited the first Champion", Kate stated

"I also had your help", Zelda said

"Nope, I may have helped you a bit, but the rest was on you", Kate explained, "keep it up, and you and I might be rivals soon",

"I doubt that", Zelda said as both girls shared a laugh

"Where to next, Princess", Impa asked

"The Gerudo Desert, I know who our next Champion will be", Zelda stated as the group nodded their heads and began preparing to head out

"You did well back there", Link said,

"I am getting pretty good with the sword... at least I'm not in the armor for this trip", Kate stated

"If I recall, a certain someone didn't want to be found out", Link said with a small smile

"Yeah, I know... but you didn't know it was me until you defeated me in training combat", Kate retorted with a small laugh

"We've played with wooden swords since we we're kids", Link explained, "though you might be able to knock me down with different techniques, I win with the brute strength",

"Yep, but you have to admit, we do make a good team on the battlefield", Kate said

"We are one of the best out there", Link said

"And when time comes, I believe Zelda will lead the Champions to victory", Kate stated

"What makes you say that", Link asked

"When in the Throne Room, father had a look in his eye, as he agreed to the plan of recruiting Champions, we'll also need a leader", Kate explained, "Zelda's putting this team together, though I'll probably be asked to lead, I'm going to see about appointing Zelda as the leader",

"With the way you're going, you'll be a great ruler someday", Link complimented

"We will be great rulers someday, you and I are technically married, don't forget", Kate muttered, loud enough for Link to hear

"I know... and I wouldn't change a thing about it", Link said with a smile as the group, finished up and left the domain, making their way to the Gerudo Desert.

(Days Till Calamity, 2-3 Months)

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