"What is that", both Zelda and Kate asked in unison as the Sheikah Slate began glowing, gaining both Impa's and Zelda's attention while Link and Kate observed the Guardian

"Weird, I feel like I saw this when I was a child", Kate said

"Not really like any guardian we've seen", Link stated

"Let's take him to the Tech Lab, Purah might know something about him", Impa explained as Zelda turned to Kate

"Do you think Father will let you come with", Zelda asked

"Probably, if not, I'll sneak out, but beings the battle's over, I don't think he'll mind", Kate explained, Zelda then returned inside the castle to change out of her dress and into suitable traveling clothes, then, the group began making their way to the Tech Lab in Hateno, though it would take a few days, everyone was ready, Terrako would often try and communicate with Zelda, but she unfortunately couldn't understand him, Impa crouched down and attempted to pet him, but Terrako backed away

"Why is it so... attached to me", Zelda asked, "whatever could you be, little one, I suppose all we can do is wait for Robbie and the others at the lab to analyze it",

"I still get that Deja-vu feeling", Kate muttered, as then Terrako made an alarm sound which alerted both Link and Kate, turning their heads, both saw something odd fly into a deactivated Guardian, then, the Guardian came to life, targeting Zelda

"Zelda, move", Kate shouted, causing Zelda to turn around, the Corrupted Guardian fired a laser at Zelda, but Link was able to repel it with his shield

"A Guardian, but why", Impa asked as the guardian got up, making its way toward then

"We need to get out of here, now", Kate said as everyone nodded their heads, as they ran down the path, monsters were coming, they were trapped

"And monsters too, now, of all times", Impa said in anger

"Protect Zelda, we'll clear the way", Link ordered as Kate nodded her head, he and Impa ran forward, taking out the monsters, Zelda and Kate right behind them, Kate and Zelda also joining the fight, Kate with her sword and Zelda with the Sheikah Slate, making their way to safety, the Corrupted Guardian appeared, forcing the four to flee to another safe area, all were drawing a blank on how to defeat the Guardian until Terrako activated a sleeping Guardian, the guardian shot the Corrupted Guardian, forcing everyone to find a few more sleeping Guardians, activating them, in the end, all were able to take out the Corrupted Guardian and arrive safely at the Tech Lab where Robbie and Purah were able to check out Terrako.

"This is Technology the likes of which I've never laid eyes on", Robbie stated, looking at Terrako, "which means... we've got ourselves a brand-new, never-before-witnessed Guardian Model, devices like the Sheikah Slates, which are amplified by the power of such ancient relics, are but a meager fragment of such technology",

"I see... that explains why all of us were able to use the Sheikah Slate", Impa said

"In addition... this here doohickey is loaded with data-information we can't even fathom", Robbie explained as Impa's sister, Purah entered the room, a Sheikah Slate in hand

"Aw, yeah, check it, I extracted some visual data from the Guardian's memory", Purah said, handing a Sheikah Slate to the four, what was on it, shocked everyone

"Is that...", Zelda began, the pictures showed a ruined Hyrule Castle Town and Hyrule Castle, Calamity Ganon clearly seen running around Hyrule Castle, they had lost in the future

"Yup, no doubt about it, Hyrule Castle after Calamity Ganon has been revived", Purah stated

"As you can see, we managed to extract some of the data, but much of it was fragmented", Robbie explained, "even so, if I analyze what we received, I may be able to make sense of more of it",

"The ruin the Calamity will bring upon all of Hyrule, if we allow this to pass, I fear all hope will be lost", Zelda stated, fear in her voice

"Even everything we've done up until now... likely won't be enough", Impa said

"If I don't succeed... at sealing the Calamity...", Zelda began

"No... that won't happen, Zelda, I know you'll awaken your powers, I'll be with you every step of the way", Kate explained, "we have a lot to prepare for, but I believe we'll be able to get it done",

"You're right, but we'll have to let father know about recruiting Champions for the Divine Beasts, and finding the ones who can pull the swords", Zelda explained, "thank you",

"You're welcome", Kate said, everyone left the Tech Lab, on their way back, however, Link and Kate trailed behind

"So, when are we going to tell them about the marks on our hands", Link asked

"I don't know, but with everything we've seen, I can't help but worry", Kate said

"Hey, we'll get through this, like you said, prepare and help Zelda", Link responded

"Yeah, Let's go", Kate said as the two caught up with the group, making their way back to Hyrule Castle.

(Days Till Calamity, 2-3 Months)

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