Faith's Encounter

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Faith's Encounter with a Lust Demon

I slow danced with a handsome blonde-haired demon a.k.a my bodyguard personally assigned to me by Death. Sighing and looking at my wrist watch, I flipped my hair back and resisted the urge to go and hide somewhere. Or kick something. Either would suffice.

Leave and you die. Death growled, obviously having heard my thought of escape.

Well how long will you be? My voice sounded whiny and tired dammit. I was so, so tired.

But that's what you get when the grim reaper decides to drag you out of your home and take you to some random club even though I wanted to go and see his sexy bod. Death mimicked me in a fake high pitched voice. I scowled. Naughty Faity-poo for wanting to see my sexy bod, he added.

Sighing in irritation, I almost flipped off a demon who was ogling my legs. Also, stop these creeps from staring at me. They're freaking me out.

An answering growl from Death caused half the creatures around us to scatter immediately. Better, I thought more so to myself. At least I could count on the bipolar freak to ward off any unwanted advances.

I heard that.

Smiling sweetly, I looked up at my bodyguard. He was young and only a Halfling and unlike all of the other the demons around me he was actually pretty decent, choosing not to stare at my legs. I cursed Death for making me wear this outfit and tried my best to look innocent as I asked, "Want to get out of here?"

He shook his head and frowned. I can't believe I thought it, but he actually looked pretty cute. "Death said we couldn't leave."

Of course he did.

Death being Death, had also forced me into coming to a seedy club in the middle of the night whilst my parents had slept on peacefully, unaware that their daughter was half way across the globe. Did I even get an explanation as to why we were here? Of course not.

All I'd gotten was an angry Deathy coming into my room at 11:45 at night scaring the shit out of me before demanding that we leave. He'd also sniffed my panties on the way out which I'd cursed him for.

Across the dance floor Death stared hard at the ground, dancing with a small beautiful brunette in his arms - a business associate or something. I couldn't make out what they were talking about but their facial expressions were really intense. Neither looked like they were enjoying themselves; the female creature looked rather business-like, yet I felt the unwelcome pang of jealousy swirling its way deeply through my chest as I watched them both being in such a close proximity.

Something the matter, Faithy-poo? I heard him snicker and jumped. I'd been caught. Blushing deeply, I stared down at my lap.

No. It sounded forced even to me.

Feeling angry, I demanded to my bodyguard that we sit down.

"Sure." He said as he took my arm and led me to a quieter corner of the club.

I asked him a question that had been nagging me since I'd gotten here. "How do you know Death?" It was a distraction for myself, but it at least struck up a conversation.

He burst out laughing. "Everyone knows Death, Faith."

Scowling, I kicked him in the shin. He winced. "You know that's not what I meant."

The crowd suddenly gasped. Turning around, I saw Death just as he twirled the brunette impressively; her back arching gracefully and dark hair spilling across the floor. I wrinkled my nose. At least they weren't grinding like the rest of the creatures that surrounded them, but their dance moves were out of place. Not that Death would've cared.

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