Summoned (1)

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"I-I-" Sammy stammered confused and scared of the entity that appeared infront of him.

"Did you summon me on mistake sir?" Forest asked softly cocking his head to the side.

"No, No! I well was practicing and well I didn't think it would work! So yes, and no? I thought it was more of something to benefit my lord' I'm sorry for wasting your time? Uh..." Sammy spoke anxiously not knowing if this entity or not could harm him.

"My name is forest sir" Forest put his hand out to shake Sammy's, He shook it with anxiety built up but smelt a scent in the air that didn't belong in this old, dusty, and broken room.

It smelt sweet, it caused him a headache  as he heard a voice in his head.

"Sammy...! Sammy...! Come on I'm gonna beat you to the..." he couldn't make out the next word the young feminine voice said.

He heard a younger voice reply back to the young girl, " Alright,.... " The name flew right by him as the voice continued on saying " Alright! I'm almost there but still, I can beat you there!"

Forest cocked his head to the side as Sammy seemed dazed off into space.

"Are you okay?" He asked Sammy.

Sammy looked at him again with his expressionless mask and nodded.

"What's your name sir" He asked the still semi dazed off man.

"S-Sammy.. I'm the shepherd here for my lord Bendy"

"Interesting, Sammy. Nice to meet you Sammy, I have to go for now. Until we mee-" he was abruptly cut off as Sammy interrupted " Can you stay awhile longer?".

" yes of course, what task can I fulfill for you Sammy?" He nodded at Sammy's request, smiling.

" Are you a angel or demon?" Sammy asked.

" I am neither, Sammy" he responded back.

"Are you able or wanting to harm me?" Sammy asked again, differently.

"I cannot harm you but you cannot harm me either. " Forest responded back fast.

This went on for a little bit with the gun of questions and bullets of answers.

Forest had to soon leave as it neared night, even tho there was barely any clocks in the workshop nor where Sammy was. It was a gut feeling for Forest.

Sammy when he went to his old office after the entity left, shuffled around in his old desk and he found a old locket. He smiled and set it back. He felt happy holding the piece of junk and didn't know why.

He dozed off in the chair dropping the locket on the floor after awhile.

Sammy Lawrence x Masc/Male OcDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora