Chapter 9

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My boyfriend dying on my Xbox. (≧▽≦)

Harry stood in the bedroom, searching through clothes when he got the call.

"Mr. Harry Styles?"

"This is he.", Harry stated, pressing the phone between his shoulder blade and chin, proceeding with folding his and Louis' clothes.

"This is the NCH, National Care for Hybrids. We have some information for you about your hybrid -- Uhm, Mr. Louis Tomlinson."

Harry was instantly intrigued, setting down the folded clothes and grabbing the phone, concern crossing his face. He took a glance at Louis' sleeping face before walking out the room, gently closing the door behind him.

"Yeah, what about him."

"Mr . Styles, you bought your hybrid on the fifteenth of January, correct?"

Harry nodded at first, soon realizing that they couldn't see him and mumbled out a small,"Yes."

"On the first of that month your hybrid, Louis, was admitted to the NCH with severe head and body injuries. Were you aware of that, Mr.Styles?"

"No, I was told nothing of it."

"Would you like to know the cause of the situation?"


"Louis Tomlinson had been to the hospital multiple times before that, all submitted in generally the Same conditions. Many injuries to hips and scalp, bruises on his arm. A few weeks prior to that a man by the name, Stanley Lucas, brought your hybrid in with a bleeding...uh-- bum. He had to get stitches and was taken from Stanley and put back in to the shelter care, where he found you. "

Harry gaped at the wall, WHY was he not informed of this? He had already had sex with Louis atleast twice and he just got him. Sadness filled his features when he realized this, that he needed to take things slower.

From now on, he Would treat Louis as if he was the only thing in the world, and he swore that on everything he owned, including Louis.




Louis had woken up later on, winding himself up in the covers. Unsure if he was supposed to be awake or not, so he settled with -- after a while, deciding to get up and search for his daddy.

His small feet made little noises against the floor as he walked through the hallway, not really paying attention to the decorations on the wall. He could hear shuffling in the living room, small noises that regular people couldn't hear without help. His small head peaked around the corner, finding Harry on the couch with his head in his hands and a tissue beside him. Louis' features softened and he rushed to his daddy's side, falling to his knees infront of him.

"Daddy what's wrong!", He took his small hands and placed them over Harry's larger ones, pulling them away from his tear stained face.

Harry just shook his head and pulled the hybrid into his lap, wrapping his large arms around his smaller body, "I'm so sorry, baby boy."

Sobs racked through his body once again, his arms tightening around the smaller boys body, pulling him impossibly closer. Their bodies were pressed tightly together, Louis' hands pressed again Harry's red cheeks.

"It's fine daddy."

Ewe short and terribly written oops.

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