Chapter I

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Finn's POV

"Now, when doing this spell, just stay calm and breath, but don't hyperventilate." My Mom says to me as she teaches me a simple astral projection spell.
I think of the person I want to see as I slowly travel...
"Dad?..." I see my Dad, turning around with blood around his mouth as he drops a women on the floor, she fell without a sound. "What are you-" Overwhelmed by my emotions, the lights in the room he's in starts to flicker strongly as I quickly stop the spell.
"What Happened?!" My mom says as she notices I stopped the spell,..."I saw Dad."

I could hear Mom quietly yelling at my Dad over the phone, I couldn't make out what she was saying but she said the word "Tribrid" here and there.
My parents told me I was a Tribrid not too long ago, before my Dad fled New Orleans.

-4 years ago-

"Henry, I love you but you need to go, NOW!" My mom says to my Dad. "Stef I- This is what they want! These damn ancestors, nature itself wants us apart." My mom quickly interrupts him, "because this is the only way, Henrik. Finn will only survive at his best as long as we're apart. For Gods sake, they'll sacrifice him like they were supposed to do when he came into our messed up world of ours. I promise you'll see him again soon, but you have to go!" My Dad stares as us, as I lay unconscious in my Moms arms.
"Dad,...Mom, what happened?" I look over to see that my Dad is now gone. "Dad!" "Hey, hey,...It's okay, alright? I promise he'll come back home to us soon." My mom hugs me as I fade into my thoughts, still confused as to what was going on.

Stefanie's POV

I sigh as I hang up the phone, talking to Henry. I stop in my tracks to see Finn not to far from my room. "You heard everything right?" He looks up at me, "Mom, When is it my time to turn?" I hesitate before answering, at his sudden question. "I- Look, I don't when, but it's not too far behind. My best advice is to be ready when that time comes..." I give him a warm smile before hugging him. "Now, go to Aunt Freya's room so she can teach you some more magic okay?" He then leaves to head over to Freya, He'll be practicing magic with Nik.

"Any luck with the ancestors?" I ask Vincent as we sit down outside a resturant. "Nope, they're subborn like always. Now that your kid is still alive, they will try to complete the sacrifice themselves." I cut Vincent off, "Like hell they are! They're dead Vince!" "Dead, with lots of magic still inside of them. Now, the only thing i'm thinking is that we either sacrifice someone else, Temporarily make someone a tribrid, or bring your other son back, but only enough for them to take his magic for awhile." I take in what he says, "But they'll be even more angry...unless someone goes to the otherside and takes control over them..." Vincent cuts in, "And that requires someone with a hell lot of magic." Vincent stares at me, clearly talking about me. I'm powerful enough to make them stop, as long as the heretics comply.

"Finn's doing well, he just needs a little help with his temper. He has a lack of self control." Freya informs me as I make my way into the compound. 

"How did you do it...being anyway from Keelin for so long? I promised him he will see him again,  but it feels like thats not gonna happen in a very, very long time." Freya sighs, "Well, I would astral project to her, was the best way to be face to face without actually being there." Freya then quickly changes the subject, "So, how did it go with you and Vincent?" I breathe in hard, "You might wanna remain as calm as you can if I were you."

Henry's POV

It's been 4 years since I've seen my family. Every single day, night, all I think about is Finn and Stefanie. I currently reside in France, visiting the local bar when I can, which is at least everyday. 

"You must be the baby daddy." The bartender says, I look up to see a dark brown haired women. "And I'm guessing you want something?" I reply back. "Has she really never told you about me! Anyways, I'm Dianne Parker." 

-end of Chapter One

𝓐𝓬𝓻𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓪 - 𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 △ [ON HOLD]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora