2. Meeting the Avengers (Again?)

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Robin POV

The drive was about five hours long and soon we were in the parking garage at the tower. The four of us got out of the car and made our way up the elevator.

"So I remember all of them except for the toaster dude," I told them. They all furrowed their eyebrows and looked at me like I was crazy. " You know, the red one you showed me a picture of."

"Ohh, Vision?" Steve asked.

"Yeah that one," I answered. The elevator came and we all got in. " How did they get out of the raft? Like, are they here legally? Or is this the type of thing we keep quiet?"

" After Ross took you, the government let them go. Now they are just under house arrest here. On the other side," Steve nodded his head to Tony. " They just needed a place to stay until everything died down."

" So they thought the best place to go was the same tower as their enemies, smart" I remarked sarcastically. "How come Clint got out of house arrest? Did Legolas bribe them?"

" Actually yes, he had a lot of money saved in the bank so he paid them and because of his former position in SHIELD they let him go. So yes, Katniss basically bribed the CIA." Tony responded. " Be prepared, don't forget that we had one of the largest fights and now both sides are stuck in the same tower, together."

" It can't be that bad, you know maybe they worked things out. With the tight space and all," I hopefully stated. I could not have been further from the truth. I quickly glanced at Bucky, he seemed to be looking down and hadn't talked the whole time. He looks to be deep in thought. Suddenly, the doors opened revealing a quiet and separated living room. On the side with the kitchen stood Wanda, Natasha, and Sam. In the living room Vision and Rhodey sat reading. Quickly everyone came to see who their visitors were. The only difference was, Vision and Rhodes came to see Tony whilst the others came to greet me.

" Hello Robin," Wanda welcomed. Her accent was less Sokovian then I remember.

" Hey," I gave a small wave. We all said our hellos and then it was time to go to the infirmary to figure out what Ross did to me. This time it was just me, Tony, and Steve. Bucky decided that it would be best for him to stay back. Why?

"Okay squirt, lay on here," Tony motioned to a metal table. That's when the memories flooded back. It was all blurry, but I could see the faces. The stone cold faces. Then, the brander, the blowtorch, and the slight smile on the doctor's face. The scar has faded now, but the memories will live forever. " Hey you good?" Tony asked, concerned.

"Uh yeah," I squinted hard, as an attempt to clear the images. It didn't work. Slowly I made her way to the table and layed down. Just breathe, you can trust them. Can you?

" Okay we are just going to do an x-ray, stay still," Tony instructed. He brought over a strange machine and it began whirring. Tony shot Steve a worried look and Steve quickly walked over to the screen. Tony pointed out a few things and told him something. Maybe I would be able to hear them if the machine wasn't so damn loud. Tony glanced at me and then back at the screen. The machine soon stopped and I sat up.

" Haha, very funny guys, good joke, " I teased. " You are playing a prank right? Right?" The looks on their faces said otherwise.

"Ro, there is something in your head," Steve told me.

" No duh, do you think my head is just empty?" I joked but stopped when she saw their faces. Pity.

"We mean something that's not supposed to be there," Tony elaborated. " To be exact, multiple things there's a tracker/Ticking time bomb/hearing device and a chip/hearing device ." I freeze. "The chip is in a place where we can't get it out. Well atleast without you dieing, but we should be able to extract the tracker. It will make it so you can't hear, but I can make another pair of hearing aids. This might be a lot for you to take in so I'm going to give you some time."

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