The feeling of Josie against her lips lingers as Stella walks through the crisp night. She can't help but think of the past few hours fondly, even if she had her first true encounter with Josie's dark side. It had been refreshing, entertaining, even, to see the darkness in Josie finally coming to light.

Darkness is only scary if you let it be.

The familiarity of the town square does nothing to bring her peace, especially when she spots Hope sitting on one of the newer stone benches—the same one they sat at not so long ago when Stella confessed she knew who Hope was even without memories before all the gods and Nyx. "Sorry, I'm late." Stella jogs across the grass, shoving her hands into her pockets as she glances around. "I was, uh, doing something."

"Something or someone?" Hope does not turn around when she speaks.

Stella's cheeks feel hot against the cool air. "Not important. I'm just glad you called. You know, I just...I wanted to, uh, let you know I appreciate what you said today." Stella rocks back and forth on her heels as she looks around. "It's just been hard recently, and I just wanted to let you know, that's all."

"Did you tell anyone you were meeting me?"

"Well, you said it was urgent, and no one really asked." Stella's brows pinch together as she shifts her weight from foot to foot. In truth, she had texted Isaac and left a note for Josie when she woke so they wouldn't get nervous. Her mother had stopped her before letting her go after an explanation. It is progress compared to her past actions. "Why?"

"Because they'll wanna come once they find out what happened."

Stella shakes her head. "Only because they care about you. Because they love you."

"They'll eventually realize what I have." Hope slowly stands and turns to face Stella. The utterly blank look on her face contrasts whatever swims in her eyes. Stella recognizes it well—the desire to hide everything away so no one else can see. "Love is a burden."

Stella's heart cracks. Pursing her lips, she takes a deep breath and a few steps forward. "Look, I know you're in a dark place right now, and you know I get it, to an extent—"

"See, not really," Hope replies as she steps around the bench. They stand a few feet away from each other. "I thought that I was prepared to become the tribrid, to kill Landon. For all the emotions that would bring."

"You're right," Stella nods. "I don't know anything about the heightened emotions, but I know the pain. We have an entire family of people who understand. The pain, the grief, the emotions, too."

"Right because your dad killed his first love too." There's something bitter in her voice that makes Stella want to take a step back, but she resists. She wants to move forward, to strengthen this relationship after all the progress they made earlier today. "Let me ask you something, when Carter died, would you have turned it off if you had the chance?"

"Without question." Stella narrows her eyes. "But it would be stupid. I would do it and only feel more pain later. It's not the solution, just a temporary fix."

Hope's lips curl up into a smirk. A smirk Stella recognizes from her late uncle. "Isn't it?"

Stella suddenly wishes she told someone other than her mother. Lexi Hale would protect her family without question, but Stella isn't quite sure her mom would ever see harm coming from the inside. Despite that, Stella has hope for her cousin. "Hope, tell me you didn't."

"My humanity switch flipped the second that sword went through Landon, but I gotta say it really seems to be working for me. I'm so sick of being controlled by my emotions. No wonder you let Nyx take control for so long." Stella frowns, opening her mouth, but Hope continues, "It's like, lose, love, grieve, repeat. I am finally free."

World on Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [4]Where stories live. Discover now