It's you again part 2

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Rachel P.O.V

Joe: Ouch that hurts

Rachel: How did you know where I worked?

Then I remembered he helped build this place.

Joe: Kitty? Is it? Do you mind if I borrow her?

Kitty: Of course can I get you drinks?

Joe: Just a coffee please

Kitty: Rachel?

Rachel: Just a water please

Joe: Shall we sit?

Rachel: Sure

I lead him into a private booth in the corner just by Hettie and Peter.

Rachel: So how did you find me?

Joe: Not so many Rachel Berry's around here

Rachel: really? Who would of known?

Joe: I know right defiantly not me

I can't help but smile because he is charming, very charming with he sandy blonde and brown hair very well built with his muscles peaking out from his loose grey t-shirt.

Joe: Hey that made you smile

Rachel: So what brings you here

Joe: You

I start laughing at his cheesiness

Rachel: Wow what a cheese fest

Kitty: Here we are

She places our drinks down and a muffin each I love these.

Joe: Thank you

Rachel: Thanks Kit

Joe: Oh by the way Matt asked me to ask you to ring him

Kitty: Really?

Joe: he's kind of desperate for you to ring him

Kitty and I both laugh at his statement

Kitty: Right on it

She then leaves still laughing as I look at Joe.

Joe: It's a good place

Rachel: I know she did really well

Joe: So I actually come here to ask you a question

Rachel: Okay go ahead

Joe: I was wondering if I could take you out on a date?

Rachel: Really?

Joe: Yeah

Rachel: Okay

Joe: Okay as in you'll go on a date with me?

Rachel: Okay as in I will go out on a date with you

Joe: Really?

Rachel: Why so much doubt

I start laughing as he looks so shocked

Joe: I was at least prepared to ask you at least 10 times

Rachel: Must be your lucky day

Joe: Must be, so shall I pick you up at 7 tomorrow?

Rachel: 7 is great

Joe: So do I now get your number?

Rachel: I guess

I grab a napkin and a pen and write down my number giving it to Joe

Rachel: Take good care of it

Joe:I'll frame it

Rachel: So what is suitable

Joe: Formal?

Rachel: I can do that

Kitty then allows us to talk for a while I hug Hettie and Peter as they start to leave and Kitty starts locking up Joe still with us.

Kitty: So I will see you tomorrow

Rachel: On my day off?

Kitty: I'll be round

Rachel: Okay see you tomorrow

I hug Kitty and we all split apart from Joe and I

Rachel: So I take it you're following

Joe: I guess so

I chuckle as Joe walks me home often speaking about things we like.

Rachel: Thanks for walking me

Joe: No problem, so I guess I will see you tomorrow

Rachel: Tomorrow

We split and j head upstairs to my apartment and I smell cooking.

Rachel: Something smells great, my is that Noah cooking

Noah: yes it is

Rachel: Smells great

Noah: Quinn helped me a bit and Quinn then baked a chocolate fudge cake

Rachel: Is Quinn coming round?

Noah: In 20 minutes

Rachel: That's fine I'll just go change

Noah: Okay

I head into my bedroom and change into some yoga pants and a pink top something that I think is cosy to lounge around in.

Noah: Rachel it's ready

I turn the heating up a bit and walk out to the little dining room we have well it's just connected to the kitchen.

Rachel: Hi Quinn

Quinn: Hi Rachel

Rachel: How are you

Quinn: I'm great thank you

Noah: Can we eat now

Rachel: Sure

We all sit and start to eat and start talking and I tell Noah I will be going out tomorrow night and he's staying with Will and surprisingly he easily agrees.

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