Chap20 part2

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Lucas was buffled to what he witnessed, a close friend of his suddenly turned into bubbles, when he went to where the white haired man was standing there was no trace of him, there was nothing as if he was never there in the first place. Lucas stand still trying to processing what just happened not noticing big waves started forming so suddenly, the water moured for the death of the prince, big wave caught Lucas and he suddenly was being dragged as if the water is blaming him, Lucas was about to escape the water when another wave caught him and his head hit a rock, then boom he blacked out.

When Lucas woke up he suddenly recalled a dream or is it a dream?

There was a beautiful merman with hair white as snow smiling while being held in a tank, he looked at the side where the merman was smiling only to see a younger version of him chatting with the merman, he couldn't hear them though they were speaking in indistinct, but one thing for sure, they both looked so happy and he felt a quiver of pain in his heart. When his younger version left, Lucas went near the merman and stare in awe, the merman went close to him and Lucas reached out his hand to touch the mermans face but just a few inches to the merman face, he suddenly turned into bubbles, shocked Lucas stepped back while his heart tighten when he looked up again he saw the merman and his younger version bidding farewell to each other, the merman submerged into the ocean while his younger self cried in silence, after that scene Lucas suddenly had a headache and then he woke up.. and then he cried....

Lucas stood up from the bed and saw his fiance entering room but he didn't care, he walked past her while ignoring her calls, he headed down to the coast where he last saw him, Lucas headed to the water not caring about the people calling his name, telling him to go back at the coast. Lucas stood to were he was standing, he knelt down in the water which is now on his chest level, "Kiel....kiel...kiel..." He muttered many times, oh how bittersweet it is to say his beloved mermans name, how can the gods be so cruel, the day Ejekiel died was the day they returned his memories.

"Kiel... I remember you now" Lucas said with a sad smile while tears fell down to his face, " love please...please come back.." He begged while hoping that the merman just returned to his home under the sea and everything he saw that day was just some hallucination, the tears that falls from his eyes seems like waterfalls for it never stop. "Please kiel I beg of you.. don't..leave me again.. please" he begged for his beloved merman to come back, in the corner of his eyes he caught someone wearing a hood to cover their face, "He won't come back.. he can't go back" the mysterious man said, "what are you talking about? He'll come back..he will" Lucas replied tears still streaming to his face "I'll wait for him..." Lucas said to himself.

Many years have passed and Lucas did wait for his merman, he long broke his engagement with the princess and live in a small house near the coast. Lucas waited and waited and waited even when his on his death bed he waited for his beloved merman, in his last moments he caught a glimpse of a white snowy hair and then Lucas have finally closed his eyes to go to his eternal sleep hoping to see his merman in the afterlife.
It's short I guess since I made it in a rush, anyways hope you liked the story this is the very first stories I published in Wattpad cause I usually keep it in my notes, I made lots of stories but all are unfinished(my brain ran out of ideas :/ ) [I'm gonna publish a new chap once my brain recovers and give me ideas] So yeah thank you all for reading! :D

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