Week Two, Day Two

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A/N:lol I have not updated in like 7 days sorry. So here is a chapter. Also I did not bother to check so don mind mistakes. Will change next time.
-Y/N's POV-
"BAM!"I woke up to the sound of someone or something hiting the wall. Hard. (If you do not wake up to loud sounds, Rasazy told you everything that happened) My eyes opened and I saw Rasazy sitting at the corner of her bed looking at me. Luckily she had not fallen onto the floor. I got out of my sleeping bag and we went to the room next to us. (TW ahead, small mention of red liquid or tomato sauce... I am so kind to not say that word) I opened the door and saw Sharen above Selever, biting him until he bled. Selever on the other hand was pushing his nails into Sharen's neck. None of them noticed our presence. I looked around the room and saw that the room was covered in blood. The wall had some stains,probably from yesterday or something. I looked at the duo who was still fighting and saw that none of them was stopping until the other died. "HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? STOP FIGHTING AT ONCE!" I screamed at the both of them. They looked at me as if they were planning on killing me if I took another step forward. They both looked at each other and released the other. Sharen started spitting out blood which I assume belonged to Selever as she did not mind drinking her own blood (yes I know, my oc is weird.) Not long after both half demons calmed down. A full demon came dashing through the door and looked at them. It seems like Sarvente had heard the fight from her room and was scolding them for fighting and waking everyone up at 3 in the morning. Since she expected them to fight once we had left, she knocked both of them out and made sure they were comfortable. After all of that, all of us settled down back to sleep.
Time skip to the morning.
I woke up (again) and saw that Rasazy was waiting for me to get up so that we could go down together. We saw that Sharen's and Selever's wounds had heal. Sarvente told us that Selever was waiting for us. "Hey! Y/N! Are you ready? I was thinking that I go first and then you do the next two songs?" She asked me. I nodded(or you decided the order). Selever got his mic ready and the song began.

Sharen obviously won because Selever was going easy and said that it was just a practice. I swapped with Sharen and the music started.

That was not too hard... I guess. Now, it was the last song. Selever looked a little pissed at the fact that we have been winning. "Fine. Let's bring the challenge."

By the time the song was over, I could tell that Selever was very pissed. He looked at us and gripped the mic. "Tch. Since you're so good at this... Why not another song?" "Wait... Another song? What do you mean?" "No. Way. Y/N... Lemme have him." I looked at Sharen with the 'what' look. "I mean let me battle him!" I nodded and swaped with her. Once she got into position, the song began.

For the song, please skip to 13.45.

It was really obvious that Selever was pissed because I did not know (or if you did its fine pretend you did not know) he had a fourth song. After Sharen had won, she looked like she was about to pass out. She looked like Sarvente when she was tired.

 She looked like Sarvente when she was tired

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(I found this on google)
"Lol. You good? It was just a song and you were already tired? I was not even tired singing all four songs. You even swapped with your friend." "I will murder you, you little piece of sh-"
(Sharen height is at Selever's chin. So, if you are taller than her, you covered her mouth with your hand. If you are shorter than her, you use you elbow and hit her in the stomach. You do this every time you are with Sharen and when she curse. Yes I forgot to mention this in the previous chapter.) "Yo calm down... Still you won so that's that. See ya later after you got back your energy." "I have plenty of energy alright. I will murder you tonight." Selever rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen.
And I and the chapter here. Sorry for not posting in like 7 days. Anyway, lol the fact that I used to update everyday so... Thanks for reading. I might start updating once a week from now on. Bai.

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