The Best Kind Of Tension

Start from the beginning

"Unless those ladies are Nairi, I don't mind missing it." He replies, his eyes are briefly on Eden before focusing them on you, now gazing lustfully into your own. You roll your eyes and shake your head, turning your attention to the projection.

"Jesus, Von. Keep in your pants for one night, please." Eden pleads as she sits on the other side of Durk.

"No promises." He counters, "Right, Nairi?"

"Don't drag me into your problems." You laugh as you disregard his question.

"But you are my problem." He continues, his lips forming into an all too devilish smirk.

"Yah, Von, shut up before I shut you up." Eden yells across to him as the movie begins.

        This was how it was between you and Von . If there were no sexual innuendos or suggestive comments in your conversations, it would just feel wrong. You don't how or when you became so comfortable with him to the point that you two were always, for lack of a better word, flirting with one another but before you knew it, talks about music and personal interests soon changed to sexual preferences and physical contact.

                You remembered that at a party a couple of months ago, you and Von had drunk so much that you two would have undoubtedly slept together were it not for the alcohol in your blood system rendering you both useless by the time you two even considered the idea. Had you not taken that 7th shot of vodka and had Von not chugged that 5th cup of jungle juice, you two would have made it to a bed somewhere and released all the sexual tension that has built up between you two.

           The idea of sleeping with him didn't worry you at all, either. He was Von. You two naturally liked to flirt with one another and touch each other in teasing ways but it wasn't something that had ever taken a toll on your friendship. Of course, the myth always goes that two friends can't sleep together without catching feelings, but you were pretty confident in the fact that if you two did ever hook up, that it would do nothing to hinder or damage your relationship in anyway. It just wouldn't happen.

"I gotta use your bathroom." You excuse yourself after forty minutes into the movie passed. Leaving the others in the backyard, you slipped inside and rushed for Eden's master bathroom. The half of bottle of henny that you had while watching the movie hit you out of nowhere and you suddenly needed to empty your bladder.

               After flushing the toilet, you wash your hands and touch up your hair. You had brought the sweater because you thought it'd be cold outside but it was pretty decent and now that you were inside the sweater was only beginning to make you hot. So, pulling the sweater up and over your head, you curled it around your arm, tucked a bra strap back under your tank top, and left the bathroom. But you didn't get far.

         A whistle from behind you stops you in your tracks and you turn around to see Von leaning lazily against Eden's dresser. His eyes are scanning the length of your body before meeting your eyes.

"Watcha' doing?" He asks, subconsciously biting his lip. Narrowing your eyes at him, you cross your arms before you, "What are you doing?"

"Waiting for you." He says and leans of Eden's dresser to approach you. This was definitely not the first time Von had cornered you before and came at you like a predator but something about this occasion made your skin especially hot, hotter than when you were wearing the sweater.

"Here I am." You respond, your voice low and soft. Von is standing only inches from you, his eyes staring into your own, and what you saw was pure and absolute lust. It was as if all the sexual tension that you two had been building up was all right there in the room. Yes, there was sexual tension most, if not, all the time you two were around one another, but this was intense and undeniable and just seeing the look in his eyes sent shivers down to your core.

                 Von leans forward, his breath hot against your cheek as he whispers into your ear, "You know what I want." It's not a question. And even if it were, you knew the answer. You did know what he wanted.

                 Using one hand to fist Von's shirt, you pull him to you, closing the gap and the second your lips meet, a freezing yet hot fire erupts from within you. Von hums into the kiss and backs you into a nearby wall. You wince at the sudden impact but welcome the shudders that follow. His hands claw at your top to which you briefly unlatch your mouth from his to throw the flimsy fabric to the ground.

              The look in his eyes as he glowers at your shirtless body is everything you needed, and wanted, to see. Now, wanting him just as much as he wanted you, you grasped the back of his head and brought your mouth down onto his neck, right where his tattoo was. Gracing your tongue along the lines followed by little bites here and there, you could feel the rumbling of his chest reverberating against your own.

            Bending at the knees slightly, Von gripped the backs of your thighs before hoisting you up, making it so you were forced to lock your legs around his waist. And in one swift movement, he had you planted on the bed, wasting no time so as to grind against you. The barrier of your sweats and his jeans does nothing to keep you from feeling the solid erection that is Von.

        Slipping your hands under the hem of his shirt, you trail nails up his chest until the bottom of his shirt reaches his chest, to which Von willingly removes the piece of clothing. The second it's off, you don't have the opportunity to admire his bare torso before he's back to attacking your mouth. He's still grinding against you and you both are breathing heavily, moaning, and groaning.

               Growing impatiently very quickly, you shove him off so that you can roll onto him, straddling his hips. His eyes are tracing the curves of your body as your hands begin to unfasten his jeans. Von jumps in for the chance to help get you both naked and reaches for the drawstrings on your sweats, practically ripping them completely out in his desperation to get them off.

           Finally, after much tearing and yanking, you both are only left in your underwear, you on top of him as his hands grip your hips to guide you against his arousal. If you had thought the friction with the jeans and sweats was good, then you thought this feeling was sensational. You forced yourself to bite you lip to keep yourself from moaning out. Von sounded to be like he was in the same boat as he half-grunted before dropping his head, his eyes rolling to the back.

          Your pressing the palms of your hands into his chest before you finally can't handle the feel of him against you and can only react in the only way you know how. Practically clawing at his skin, you drag your nails down until your reach the tops of his briefs. And with that final tactic of yours, it was if you awoke a monster.

          Von shuddered deeply under your touch before growling deeply and reaching up to throw you onto your back, quickly filling the gap between your legs with his hips. One hand is on his shoulder while the other is still near his underwear. Taking your hand in his own, he pulls it up above your head, easily snatching the other to hold them both there as he let his single hand roam free.

           Running his fingers over your breasts before traveling toward your navel, every movement he does causes a rippling effect of goosebumps to wave through your entire body. You feel his fingers tuck into the sides of your underwear before he rips them downward. A sudden gust of air hits you as your final piece of clothing is torn from your body, causing you to gasp softly at the cool sensation.

                Still locking your wrists together above your head, Von effortlessly pushes down his briefs. You're already moaning before he enters you because, after multiple fantasies and jokes and play-by-play sex talk with Von, just knowing that he's touching you in a way that only he can, you're irrevocably submissive to him.
"Goddamn..." Von groans as he swiftly penetrates you but you barely hear it. Your mind is buzzing and you feel light-headed. He's still for a moment and then he begins to move. Instincts take over and you react by digging your nails into his lower back and circling his hips with your legs. The action makes the sex that much more incredible and you're mewling and moaning his name.

            Von begins to thrust even harder and faster into you, driving you up the wall. You feel one of his hands grasp your side right where your ribcage is while the other is cupping your neck to pull your mouth to his. The kiss is rough and hot. He pulls away but not before tugging on your bottom lip with his teeth. Once he releases it, your eyes meet.

          Then you feel it rising in your lower abdomen, the overwhelming and delicious sensation that is just waiting to erupt. Von must feel it too as he begins to pick up his pace, his breathing coming in shallow pants. You inhale sharply just as he hits your g-spot. Both of you groan in unison but just as you're about to fully envelope the pleasure that is your orgasm, Von grasps your chin, forcing you to look at him.

            The second your eyes meet you both are shattering by the climaxes you're both experiencing. You feel your muscles spasm then loosen only to tighten again. It's a dizzying yet exquisite feeling and you love every sensation coursing through your body. Von growls deeply once before collapsing on top of you, your chests heaving.
"That was..." You begin but are unable to finish, unable to catch your breath just yet.
"Everything I thought it'd be." He finishes. You're silent for a moment but then you begin to laugh, shaking your head. Above you, you feel Von begin to laugh as well. He eventually rolls off and throws his forearm over his eyes.
"I don't know about you but this only makes me want you more." He confesses and you know he's right. You had always believed this was something that would happen but that once it did it would just be easily forgotten but damn, you did have to admit that was some of the best sex you had ever experienced.
"C'mon." You say, sitting up and smacking his chest gently, "Who knows how long we've been in here."

          The two of you dress quickly and slip out of Eden's bedroom before she can suspect. Before the both of you return to the backyard, you stop in the kitchen to get some water. As you're pouring the filtered water in a cup, you feel someone's eyes on you and you look up the see Von staring at you lustfully, more so than last time. You smirk knowingly and shake your head, "Tch, tch, tch."
"Jesus, you two." You jump when Eden's voice fills the kitchen. She joins you at the counter and gets out a cup for you to pour her a glass of water as well while she looks from between you and Von, "You two are unbelievable."

            You press your lips together to suppress the snicker that wants to escape. After pouring her glass of water, she takes it before narrowing her eyes between the two of you, "Just get a room and get it over with already." With that, she leaves the kitchen. You breathe a sigh of relief, glad that she hadn't suspected anything.

        Von chuckles and crosses the kitchen to trap you against the counter, his mouth dangerously close to yours, "Little does she know." And then he's on you again kissing down your neck.

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