Chapter Twelve★彡

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(Wala pa ring POV toh mga marites aq muna extra spoilers din toh mga
Bhie but some might not be on the plot po share q Lang po😌💅)

As days go by, Shuya and the black dragon's became very close to each other.
Shuya is currently on Shinichiro's bike shop with Takahashi. Shuji didn't come with them because of something urgent business he's gonna do, so Shuya and Takahashi already know what he's doing this time.

"I wonder why little Shuji didn't come with us" Shinichiro said. "Well nii-Chan said he'll
Do some business with someone so I just let him be." Shuya said while helping Shinichiro on cleaning the bike. "Well I guess he can't make it on my lil bro's birthday huh." "Is today's your little brother's birthday aniki?" She asked. "Yep and the bike were
Cleaning today is my present to him, I just hope he'll love this." "Oh I'm sure he'll love this!" Shuya said as she wipe the bike.

The door of the garage opened and we both saw a little boy who has a blond hair.
"Oh nice seeing you here Inui" he said.


"Good morning Shinichiro" the boy said. "Sorry, I think I come at a wrong time, I didn't
Know you had two visitors" he said. "Oh we don't mind at all mr!" Shuya smiled as she look at his eyes.

He kind of look like a small puppy

"My name is Shuya Hanma But you can call me shu! and this is my friend Takahashi! We were helping aniki to Clean this bike he was gonna give to his little brother!". "Oh, I'm Inui Seishu But you Can just call me Seishu"
He said "okay then! I'm re—" "the names Takahashi Akio" Takahashi said as he cut
The girl's words and turn his head to Seishu. "Oh Uhm nice to meet you also I'm Inui"
Inui said as Takahashi glared at him.

He actually don't hate Inui that much he just heard something from Shuya that made
Him hate Inui. "Anyways what are you doing here Inui? I thought your out with your
Sister?" He asked. "Well I was about to get my sister when Koko suddenly followed
And tag along with the both of me and Akane." Seishu said

"Well in that case can we do somethin for ya sun flower Boy?" Shinichiro ask making
Takahashi and I laugh a bit. "Well I just wanna borrow some parts of the motorcycle
I'm building." "Oh need some help?" "Would that be okay?" He asked.

"Yep it's not also that much of a bother. But is it okay for me to leave the both of you
Guys here?" Shinichiro turned his head around facing the two children. "Yep! We're
Big kids now so we can be here by our selves!" I happily said making him less worried,
"Okay then c'mon inupi" he said as Inui waved goodbye to the both of me and Takahashi
And follow Shinichiro.

Hours later it's almost night and Shinichiro hasn't been back, the scene is getting more
and more familiar. And in 7:39 pm me and Takahashi suddenly heard the door of the
shop Suddenly opened as they hear some whispers. The two kids were alert that it's
Not Shinichiro was the one who's in front of the shop. And she suddenly realized
The scene where kazutora accidentally killed Shinichiro by hitting him in the head.

Shuya immediately signaled Takahashi to hide behind the boxes and walk towards
them quietly, it's dark so they cannot see much on the place.
Takahashi was worried that she might get hurt so he followed her behind, they saw
Two boys wearing black clothing as they were continuing on walking towards
the motorbike.

"This is the ones that Mikey wants right?" The kid said, "kazutora don't you think
It's dangerous to be here? Why can't we just buy something for Mikey instead
Of stealing his brother's gift from him." "Nah it's fine we can get out of here safely"
The two boys were about to walk away when a voice suddenly make them stop
Moving, and they just stood steady, while Shuya and Takahashi was sweat drop

"Oi what are you thief's doing at my shop?"

'Oh no please don't get hit Shinichiro Nii-chan'

Kazutora pulled his weapon out of his bag and a loud bang can be heard inside.
Both of their eyes widened when they heard the loud thud and they can tell it was
Shinichiro..we both took a peek and the scene was at it again, Shinichiro was
Laying on his own pool of blood while kazutora and Baji stood there in horror
As they saw it was Shinichiro laying on the ground.

Takahashi saw a phone and dialed 911 and quietly seek help from the police
And get the ambulance.

As the police arrived baji was arrested by the police as he let kazutora ran away.
While they were arresting Baji Shuya and Takahashi got out of the shop and on
Their way, they accidentally met Mikey. "Who're you guys? Are you both lost?"
He asked and Shuya just stared at the ground in horror of what she just saw earlier
"You both seem familiar somehow..wait are you both the ones who ni-Chan is
Babysitting?" Mikey said in a smile but Shuya can tell he's sad.

"I guess you guys saw what happened inside there right?" He said.
"I-I'm so sorry we didn't do anything about it" Shuya said as tears flowed down her
Face. "Look kid it's okay as long as both of you aren't hurt in that accident."

He just smile as he offered me and Takahashi to walk back home and they agreed
They made home safely and waved goodbye at them. "See you guys around" He said
"By the way the name's Michael just call me Mikey" he laugh as he pat me and taka's
Head. "I'm Shuya Hanma and he is Takahashi Akio" "nice to meet you both! I hope
We can meet often in the future!" He smiled.

'Now can he still smile like that after all the trauma he got in that story..'

"Yeah I also hope we can meet in the future Mikey.."

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