He tightened his grip on her neck as a menacing grin hopped onto his lips. "I just heard that you're going to send someone to prison. Who is that person?"

His voice was rather soft, but it did not fit his characteristics and whatever he was doing right now at all.

'He's crazy.'

With that thought in mind, Lu Chuwan slowly shook her head.

However, Ye Jiu was not buying her answer. He pressed on. "I'm talking to you. Are you dumb? Can't you open your mouth and say something?"

Lu Chuwan continued to shake her head as she tried to divert his attention. Her heart was pumping like mad as she secretly fiddled with the phone in her pocket.

"Do you know how Zhou Tingting died?" Ye Jiu said as he pulled Lu Chuwan's phone out of her pocket. Then, with a flick of his wrist, he threw the phone into the air. The phone drew an arc across the air before landing on the hard concrete, shattering into pieces that skidded across the ground like a bunch of wasted metal. "She died because of her stupidity and arrogance. She had plenty of chances to get rid of that little abomination, yet she chose to play around like a clown. Well, you behave a lot like her in this particular aspect."

Lu Chuwan's teary eyes widened in terror. She did not want to rub the madman in front of her the wrong way, so she commanded herself to stand as stiff as possible.

She suspected that the little abomination Ye Jiu was talking about was Fu Zhi. She thus stammered, "You... You better not do anything stupid. There is a camera behind you. The Lu Family is rich, and I can..."

"Stop it right there. If you think money can save you, then you're terribly wrong," Ye Jiu said. Then, he paused for a moment before adding, "Well, since you're that little abomination's cousin, perhaps you can try to beg me. If I like it, maybe I'll give you a special discount and you won't have to die today."

Lu Chuwan chided Fu Zhi internally when she heard Ye Jiu. However, she did not allow her true emotions to show on her face and quickly said, "Please, please don't kill me."

Ye Jiu looked at her grimly. "You are so ugly."

He paused for a moment, then gave her a manic grin before he continued. "Since you're so ugly, sweetie, I'm going to take back my words."


As soon as Fu Zhi got in the car and prepared to go home, Lu Yumo called her.

She was at the post office right now, as Du Min had just sent some seeds to her. When she noticed the nervousness in her brother's voice, she said, "What have you gotten yourself into again?"

She sounded firm, and Lu Yumo's expression darkened. Then, a surge of embarrassment flooded his heart. However, when he thought about the mess in Fu Zhi's room, he set aside the embarrassment and said, "Erm... Zhizhi, can you go to the market and buy some remedies for your flowers?"

"Remedies? What are you talking about?"

Fu Zhi frowned when she realized something was amiss. "What's happened?"

"You... stay calm and listen to me first. Actually..."

Lu Yumo told Fu Zhi the whole story. After he finished telling Fu Zhi everything, he added, "Are the flowers on your desk expensive? Is it okay if I buy a new one for you? I promise you I'll help you take care of your flowers in the future."

He did not want his sister to get angry.

Fu Zhi unbuckled her belt.

The atmosphere in the car suddenly nosedived and became oppressive. Her teammates had been chatting this whole time, but they all fell silent when they noticed something was wrong.

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