Beeduo Highschool AU p. 11

763 23 28

Um- first kiss time

Suggested by: idksky_123 (my friend)

-Tubbo POV-

I got up the next day, remembering what happened yesterday. I blushed, and thought to myself, Why am I embarrassed? We're dating. I should be used to this.

I got up, reluctantly, and got ready for school. I met up with 'the gang' at the park before school today. (Tommy, Skeppy, Ranboo, Sapnap, Quackity, Wilbur, Karl, BBH)

I saw them all there, waiting for me it looked like. When I got over Ranboo smiled and so did a few others.

"Dude, why did you take so long? It's freezing out." Wilbur said. It's true. It was cold, so cold that if you breathed out through your mouth you could see your breath.

Karl and Quackity had both cuddled into Sapnap, all three of them sharing body heat it looked like.

Someone, (Dream) came over unexpectedly and said, "Hey guys! I'm hosting a party at my house tonight if you wanna come. It's at 8:00." And then he left.

We all stood there, in a moment of silence. Then someone spoke up, "let's go?" And then others started talking as well.

-We went to school, it was terrible and then I came home-

'See y'all at the party?' I texted in our group chat.

'Hell yeah!' Sapnap answered, everyone else agreeing.


I giggled and then started getting ready for being at Dream's house for at least an hour.

Once it was time and I had gotten there, I knocked on the door.

Dream answered and let me inside. I saw a few people I didn't recognize but at least 2/3 of the people there were people I knew.

I walked up to Ranboo, as they were easiest to find, their head sticking up above the crowd.

"Hey boo!" I say, surprising the taller. "Hi Tubbo!" They say, smiling.

I see a group of people talking in the middle of the living room so I grab Ranboo's hand and drag them over there with me.

We listen in on their conversation when all of a sudden, Wilbur, (which I didn't even know was in that group of people) said, "Tubbo, I dare you to go in a closet with your beloved."

I looked at him. "What-?" I asked, confused but also fully understanding what he meant. "Go on!" Someone shouts. "Yeah! Go on!" People start to say.

Suddenly, two people grab me and Ranboo, dragging us to a closet.

"HEY WHAT THE F***!!?? LET GO OF US!!" I shout, struggling against the others' grip.

It was no use.

Once they closed the closet doors, I could hear someone, or something laying across the door, keeping us in.

"Uh.. so.." Ranboo starts. I sigh. They also sigh. "Listen, we've never had our first kiss.. and this definitely isn't how I planned it, but..?" I say, blushing even more.

"Um- yeah I guess no one really plans their first kiss to be in a closet." Ranboo says, trying to humor us.

I quickly lean forward and feel our lips clash together. We stay there for a while. And then pull away, finally.

"Eh.. sorry- it was just to stop the awkward silence.." I say, totally embarrassed. "Um.. yeah.. it's fine, I liked it.." Ranboo said, trailing off on the last part.

Then the closet doors opened. "Oh thank god!" Tommy says, "We all thought you guys left or something, then we saw these jerks leaning suspiciously against this closet."

"So.. what were you guys doing?" Tommy asks. "Um- NOTHING!" I shout, seeing Ranboo start blushing as my face heats up as well.

"Mhmmm.." Tommy says, squinting his eyes, looking at us. "I don't buy it!" Skeppy shouts from behind him. "Yeah, nobody does." Tommy says, stepping out of our way.

When me and Ranboo walk out we see the whole 'gang'. Karl giggles as we walk past him. "Lovebirds" someone says, I suspect it was Wilbur.

Me and Ranboo leave the party, too embarrassed to stay any longer. They said their parent weren't gonna be home till a few days, so they invited me over.

We got to their house and I sat on the couch. "So, what you said at the party after- the kiss. Did you say you liked it-?" I ask.

Ranboo's eyes widen and their face gets red again. "Um-.." they start. "Yesssss..?"

I smile and say, "Alright." And then lay down on the couch. "So, what do you wanna do?" They ask me. "Sleep." I say, laughing.

Then blah blah blah.. they go to sleep.

-alright, my hand hurts from typing so I'm going to stop here!

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