I can't possibly go on tour with Marshall since we hate each others guts, we won't be able to be in the same room as each other I mean look at us now; we are constantly arguing, constantly throwing shades at each other. I can't go on tour with him, I just can't. I go home and make a few more phone calls for booking his venues but this one man in Indianapolis which is my last booking will not book him "What is the reason for not wanting him to perform in Conseco Fieldhouse?" I ask Tom "He is controversial, I don't appreciate his profanity" Tom says "Sorry kid it's just not gonna happen" I sigh "Please, I need to book him at this venue if I don't I'll be fired" I tell Tom "You know what? I'm flying out to Michigan tomorrow and maybe we can talk more about getting him booked" I smile "Thank you so much, what time should we meet and where is your office?" I ask him "Tomorrow at 2pm" He tells me his address "Alright, I'll be there" I smile "See you" We hang up after saying goodbye.

I email Dre the information about 9 venues I booked "What about the 10th venue?" Dre messages me a few minutes later "I have a meeting tomorrow with the guy who owns Conseco Fieldhouse about booking him to perform there" I message him "Okay let me know how it goes" Dre messages me "I will" I log out of my email account and begin to get ready for the party. I'm wearing my spaghetti strap white crop top and high-waisted black skinny jeans with a pair of black strappy stilettos short thin heels. I'm wearing a little bit of makeup, a smokey eye, eyeliner, mascara with fake lashes, and blush pink lip gloss. I'm wearing a pair of hula hoop silver earrings and I have my dark brown hair straightened, I sprit Chanel perfume that Cole brought me for Valentines day last year, I don't wear it too often only for special occasions.

I get in my car and drive to the location of the strip club, I notice Marshalls car parked outside of the strip club, I don't see Deshauns car or Dina's car, I guess they all went with Marshall. I park my car two parking spots away from Marshalls black Mercedes Benz. I step out of my car and sprit some more perfume before entering the club. I walk over to the door with a bouncer guarding it "Do you have ID to enter this club?" He asks me. He has a really strong sounding voice "Here" I pull out my drivers license and he checks it "You may go in" He passes me my card "Thanks" I put my card back in my wallet and head inside the club, I look for Dina around the club squeezing through a crowd of people who are dancing to the loud music blasting. After a few moments of looking around, I see Shanice sitting on Deshauns lap at the VIP lounge and I see Marshall and Dina laughing, I see Dina divert her eyes at me and waves for me to come.

Marshall glares at me as I walk over to them "Girl, you look so hot" Dina pulls me for a really tight hug "Your ass looks fine" Deshaun smirks at me and Shanice jokingly hits his chest "Seriously girl you look sexy as hell" Shanice smiles at me and I feel Dina smack my ass "You look like a slut" Marshall glares at me "Fuck you, Marshall, I'm here to have fun not hear you bitch at me as if you don't do it enough at work" I glare at him "Guys, can we please have fun tonight? no bad vibes" Dina says "Lets get some drinks" Dina takes my hand and we head to the bar "What do you sexy ladies want to drink?" The bartender smirks at us "Two cocktails please" Dina orders "Coming right up" The bartender winks at me and Dina

We sit on the barstool "I'm glad you could make it" Dina rubs my arm "I need to have fun tonight" I giggle "Oh you are definitely gonna have fun tonight" Dina smirks "Here are your drink ladies" He passes us our cocktails and Dina pays for them "Lets get back to the lounge" I see Shanice rubbing her ass on Deshauns crotch "They are already going at it" I smirk at Dina "You two if you wanna fuck get a room there is plenty in this strip club" Dina laughs as we both sit down at the lounge "Don't mind if we do" Shanice gets up with Deshaun and they both head towards the staircase "Oh they are gonna have the hottest sex ever" Dina smirks "It'll be so fucking good that in three seconds flat you'll hear her scream up the whole place" Dina smirks "Dina, you are fucking disgusting" Marshall glares at her "Shut the fuck up" Dina laughs "We are here to have fun, isn't that right Amanda?" Dina nudges my arm "Yeah" I take a sip of my cocktail

"Why the fuck did you show up?" Marshall asks me "I thought no bitches were allowed in the lounge" Marshall glares at me "Marshall you know I'm a bitch right and I'm in the lounge" Dina smirks "You're our bitch but I'm talking about her" Marshall downs his shot "Maybe I shouldn't have come" I tell Dina "You really shouldn't have" Marshall smirks "I wasn't talking to you, asshole" I glare at him "Who the fuck you calling asshole? I should have your fucking ass kicked out of this club" Marshall stands up and I stand up with him.

Marshall gets all up in my face "I dare you to do it" I glare at him "I can do a lot worse than have your ass thrown out of this club" Marshall smirks at me "We both know you are too much of a pussy to fucking do anything" I smirk at him "Don't test me, bitch, I'm this fucking close to dragging you by the hair out of this club" I push him hard against the chest and he stumbles back "Guys" Dina yells "You are gonna wish you never done that" Marshall tries grabbing my hair but the bouncer interrupts us "Is there a problem here?" He asks us "No" Marshall says "I just wanted to give my friend a hug" Marshall gives me a hug "You do that to me one more time I'm gonna make you wish you were never born" He threatens me by whispering to me in my ear, my hands run cold as they rest on his back and he lets go of the hug "I don't want no trouble here, Em" The bouncer glares at him "There will be no trouble, right Amanda?" Marshall smirks "Right" I nod "Good" The bouncer leaves us

"What the fuck was that?" Dina glares at both me and Marshall as we both take a seat "She fucking pisses me off" Marshall glares at me "I don't give a fuck, I said I don't want no bad vibes tonight and here you guys are fighting like cats and fucking dogs" Dina yells at us "If you hadn't invited her we would be having a good time" Marshall yells at Dina "She is my fucking friend, Marshall so shut your fucking pie hole, bitch and call your fucking wife here if you are horny for easy pussy" Marshall looks hella pissed at her "You're a fucking bitch that's all you are Dina, you are just some easy pussy dirty faggots get with" Marshall downs another shot "Hold on for a second" I get up and dump my cocktail on Marshalls head "You looked thirsty" I smirk at him, Marshall gets up and pulls a handful of my hair "Let go of my hair" I slap him across the face

"That's it you guys, get the fuck outta here" The bouncer glares at us "I didn't fucking do anything, this bitch dumped her fucking cocktail on me, dawg" Marshall yells at the bouncer "I don't want to hear another word coming out of your mouth, I just want you both out" The bouncer yells at us to leave "Fine" I grab my purse and walk out of the club with Marshall "Thanks a lot I wanted to have some fun tonight after taking care of your fucking bookings" I glare at him "Don't you dare point your fucking fingers at me, you were the one who dumped your fucking cocktail on me" Marshall yells at me "Because you piss me off" I yell at him as we both walk to the car.

I see him taking his keys out of his pocket and scratch the side of Dres car he gave me "What the hell are you doing?" I ask yelling at him "Leaving you a little gift" Marshall smirks at me "You are so fucking stupid" I laugh "Huh?" Marshall looks at me confused "That's not my car, that's Dre's car he gave me while I'm in Detroit" I smirk at him as I see his eyes widen "Dre's gonna fucking kill me" He quickly put his keys back in the pocket "I'll attend your funeral" I smile at him "Shut the fuck up" Marshall glares at me. What a swell night.

'Til We Meet Again Book 2Where stories live. Discover now