"My guess is, Harry, and my guess as to who broke Harry out of the RAFT, that was probably his dad." I swung, feeling the new found weight of carrying a person on my back.

"Dude, I gotta tell you about something."

"What is it?"

"While you were gone two Spider-People showed up in your place. Both of them came by looking for you. One of them I didn't recognize, but the other one was definitely-"

"Heads up!" My Spider-Sense went off, moving hastily, I yanked Miles and I to the left in the air, narrowly avoiding a pumpkin bomb that blew up shortly after.

"Okay, Miles! Things are about to get rough, and I'm not sure how many other villains Peter has with him, so I'm gonna give you a very brief rundown of Spider-Training 101."

"Wait what?!"

"Step one, double tap to release, and thwip it out again! Step two, don't fall!" I quickly removed the webshooter from my left hand, slapped it onto Miles's wrist and tossed him into the air.

"Oh shiiiiit!" Miles screamed, before inevitably catching himself and keeping himself moving.

Spinning my trajectory, I flung myself towards the green and purple figure standing atop a glider headed my way. 'Okay, I've got one webshooter and my Venom Strike. He has what seems to be an unlimited supply of pumpkin bombs, a glider that has a few super sharp blades that can cut through me like paper, and lasers that shoot from his pointer fingers. Yeah, this is totally fair.' I thought, releasing my current web to fall under three laser beams that shot over my head. With my one webshooter, I spun a web, latching onto the bottom of the glider. Using my momentum, I swung under and behind and while upside down smacking the Goblin in the back with both feet, sending him onto the roof of a nearby building. I landed onto of the glider, producing a single bomb before I leapt from the flying contraption and tossed the pumpkin bomb at it, effectively destroying it.

Landing in front of the Goblin, I prepped for a fight, getting close to the ground in one of Spider-Man's signature poses.

"Oh, (F) having fun without your partner?"

"She was your partner too! You helped us whether you like it or not!" I shouted back. "Pete, I know Harry messed with your mind, and I know you didn't want to kill Gwen, but you've got to fight it, don't let the Goblin win."

Peter burst into laughter. "Don't let the Goblin win? I am the GOBLIN!" Lasers were fired at an alarming rate. Jumping around, I did my best to avoid most of them, while looking for an opening to attack.

Three lasers just barely grazed me, leaving light damages on my already repaired suit. Upon finding Peter drop one of his arms, I flew in, reeling a punch back, I felt my Spider-Sense go off, though I wasn't fast enough to react. I was hit in the back with an electrical charge that sent my body into one of the nearby buildings. Knowing what had happened, I groaned pulling myself from the rubble of when I was attacked. Not even a second later, Electro seemed to teleport into my view.

"Hey, sparkles how's it going? Find enough power, scouring through the Multiverse?"

"Oh, you know. The usual, fry a couple of spiders here and there."

"Oh, well that's great! You mind not frying me? 'Cause that would be great!" I replied.

"Sorry Spider. You may not be the same as my Spider-Man, but I've still got a job to do. No hard feelings right."

"Nah." I jumped out of the way of two beams of lightning striking where I was. Spider-Sense went off again, dropping to the ground, I avoided a green Vulture smashing through a window behind me.

"Oh hey! Toomes, glad you could join the party!" I shouted, taking the Vulture for a ride outside the building after jumping on his back to get Electro to stop shooting.

Electro seemed to blast at Vulture and I anyways. I leapt off of the Vulture, watching him take the brunt end of the damage and seeing him fall unconscious. Thinking quickly, I webbed up the fallen bird and plastered him against a wall. Though saving my enemy slowed me down to the incoming threat, which happened to be three pumpkin bombs.

I couldn't react fast enough, and I was thrown from the building, my suit taking most of the damage with many scorch marks and tears in the fabric. Two of those bombs had exploded while the third appeared to break apart before three soaring blades came flying in my direction. "I hate those things!"

Catching myself in the air with my one webshooter, I swung to a nearby building, and sprinted up. As I ran along the building, I spotted the blades catching up to me. I shot one of the blades out of commission with a single web blast. The remaining two sped up, nearly catching my position before I webbed one of them and threw it into the other. When I rounded the top of the building, I felt my Spider-Sense go off again, only to find a gigantic hulking figure in a metal Rhino suit tackle me off the top of the building.

"Alexi! Gimme a minute! I was kinda in the middle of something!" The fall went by fast, with me taking the damage of smacking into the pavement at maybe plus a hundred mph and a giant of a person landing on top.

I coughed blood through my damaged mask. One of the lenses had broken, blood poured from my left eye where fragments of the lenses nearly blinded me, my vision was becoming blurred. I couldn't see much, other than Rhino, Electro, Vulture, and the Green Goblin preparing to end my life.

"Any last words, Spider-Man?"

"Do you have.. a pen? Could I get a moment to think about it?" I painted, spitting more blood through the mask.

"Hey guys! Mind if I make this an even playing field?" The Goblin spun himself around only to be webbed up and thrown through several walls.

Taking no time, my whole body began to crackle with power before electricity, burst out like a shockwave before I felt the cold sense of unconsciousness taking over. Though one thing was very apparent, a new Spider had entered the scene wearing a black and white suit.

Miles's POV
Third Person
Ten Minutes Earlier

Miles had continued to follow (F)'s instructions. 'Double thwip to release and thwip it out again. And Don't fall.'

"(F), thanks for the great advice! It's not like I would want to fall anyway." He stated sarcastically. Had things been going better for Miles, he would have noticed he had spun his last web.

The dark skinned male had attempted spinning another web only to hear a click. "Ah shit!" Miles had begun to plummet, but as he closed his eyes to await the impact of the ground, he was swooped up in the air.

"Oh thank God! (F) are you... okay..?"

"Sorry, wrong Spider." A feminine voice rang out, causing Miles to look at who had caught him. When he did finally see who it was, they were revealed to be wearing a mostly black suit with some white here and there, a red spider matched with red webbing and a red bandana pulled up across he face, while her jet black hair blew in the rushing wind.

"Silk, (F)'s in trouble! Call Gwen!"

"We're way ahead of you, she's on her way."

"You need to get there too! Drop me off somewhere and go! I don't know how many villains there are, all I know is he's fighting the Goblin and (F) could very well kill him if he gets too angry."


"Peter, or the Green Goblin, killed Gwen in this universe. (F) didn't take things well because he and Gwen were together at the time and he couldn't save her."

"Okay. I'll do what I can to get there as fast as possible. You stay here and we'll come get you when we can!" Silk swung up to the top of a building before she dropped Miles off and took off.

"Man, I wonder how, (F) is gonna react to all this."

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