Long time no see, stranger

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This was my first time attending isac with aespa, we had just debuted a year ago and i was proud with how popular we became in such a short time but the only thing i was looking for at isac was seeing Yeji. We both had such busy schedules lately that I couldn't even see her once so this was a great opportunity to see her.
Unfortunately i was out of luck I couldn't find her anywhere and its was almost my turn to go in.

Me and Winter were competing in bow and arrow and i was confident that we might win.
I looked around one more time to see if I could find Yeji but still nothing.

We were scoring higher than the ones we were competing with and ended up winning. Winter was super happy, she started jumping and hugged me and we both started jumping out of happiness.
We headed where the other members were to celebrate.

I saw that the next group competing was itzy and red velvet and Yeji and Ryujin were competing with Wendy and Joy.
My eyes lit up seeing Yeji, i was so happy to see her after so long, i just wanted to run to her and hug her. She looked into my direction and gave me the biggest smile making my heart melt, i gave her thumbs up and whispered a good luck.

Sadly Yeji and Ryujin lost but for very little difference in points. I knew Yeji like no one else, we've been dating for 2,5 years and I knew her current face expression, she was disappointed in herself. She did her best so there was nothing she could do.

Yeji excused herself to go to the bathroom and after two minutes I decided to do the same. When I reached the bathroom I saw Yeji looking in the mirror and breathing heavily.

"Long time no see, stranger" i said while hugging her from behind. She was startled at first but once she saw it was me she gave me a weak smile.

"Heyy what you doing here?" Yeji turned to me.

"I saw you heading to the bathroom and you didn't seem so happy so i came to tell you that you did great and I'm proud of you besides you'll win the next competition i'm sure of it" Yeji put her arms around my neck and gave me a more genuine smile.

"I don't know what i would do without you" She tries to kiss me but i turn away.

"Well you still didn't tell me how much you miss me, love me and you didn't seem so happy to see me as well" I said messing with her.

"You're a jerk, of course i miss you and I love you so much. I'm more than happy to see you, please never leave for so long again" She tried to kiss me again but i turn away again.

"Mmmm not yet, you don't sound very convincing you know" I gave her a smirk but she seemed annoyed by my actions.

"Okay no kiss for you" She said trying to leave but I stopped her by grabbing her wrist and turned her so she would be facing me and our faces inches apart for only a few seconds because i gave her the kiss she so wished but this kiss was so passionate with no menace to it. It was just us showing how much we missed each other these past few days.

"We should head back, Karina will kill you if you disappear for too long" We pulled away for air and she started to pushed me out of the bathroom.

I'm happy I could see Yeji for a dew minute and had the chance to kiss her once again in so long. I'm so in love with her is surreal.


I hope this is okay. I tried my best dhhdb

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