Chapter 17 - in which a pair of shoes get stolen and a new friendship is formed

Start from the beginning

Davey's P.O.V.
(Tiny time-skip to about ten minutes or so later)

"Give him another fifty.", the strange boy orders.
"I don't want more papes.", I protest, as Oscar hands them to me.
"What kind'a Newsie don't want more papes?", the Cowboy asks.
"I'm not a charity case. I don't even know you."
"His name's Jack.", Les now interrupts.
"Dat's da infamous Jack Kelly. He once escaped da Refuge.", a boy with a crutch explains.

A short disagreement, which this Jack unfortunately wins, later, a short boy comes over to us.
"Jack?", he asks. "Have ya seen Mush or Blink? Dey have my shoes."
I look at him. He's barefoot.
"No. Sorry Max (For all those readers, who don't know who I mean here: I mean Magpie. Her nickname Mags sounds like the boys-name Max, so... yeah). Foa before too."
"Damn!" The other cusses under his breath. Then he notices Les and me. "Oh, sorry kid. I haven't seen ya."
Les smiles at him.
"Oh, name's Magpie, by da way. But Max is fine."
"Magpie?", I ask confused. "Like the bird"?
"I knew, ya would ask dat. But yes, like da bird. Ya even spell it da same."
"You can read?", I question surprised, and instantly regret it, because now the boy seems offended.
"I's maybe never gone ta school an' have an accent, but dat doesn't mean I don't know how ta read. May I ask ya, good sir, how I's supposed ta sell papes, when I can't read da headline?"
"Max, please calm down.", Jack tries to help me.
"No! First I have ta find my shoes an' soak Mush an' Blink."
Jack chuckles. "So? Ya want ta soak Mush an' Blink? An' how if I may ask? Dey both is at least a head taller than ya."
"I have my own ways, Cowboy. Trust me. Dey will be sorry."
"Are you two dating?", Les asks now.
"Les! You don't ask things like that.", I reprimand him.
The two boys look at each other. "What'cha think, Jacky? Is we datin'?", Max asks.
"I don't think so. What about ya?"
"Me neither."
Both nod and turn back to us.
"Question answered?", the bird boy asks and Les nods. "Good. See ya then. Gotta sell my papes now." The boy waves and walks over to the boy with the crutch.
"Max's right. We have ta go.", Jack says to us and we follow him on the streets.

Magpies P.O.V.
(Again a time skip. The evening at Medda's)

I's about ta finish da flower deco of Medda's stage when I hear it. Someone's in da prop room. Medda hears it too. She goes ta shoo 'em away an' I follow.
"Shoo!", she says. "There are no kids allowed in the theatre."
"Ya wouldn't kick me out without ta kiss me goodbye, would ya Medda?" Jack. I should have known.
"Jack Kelly!" Miss Medda walks down an' hugs Jack. "Where were you, kid?"
"Never far from you, Miss Medda.", Jack says smilin'. The he turns ta our newbies: "Boys, may I present Miss Medda Larkin: the greatest star on the Bowery today. She also owns the joint. Oh, Medda. Can we hide here foa a while? Jus' 'till outside... ya know."
"Of course. As long as you like. Why don't you stay for the show?"
As dey greet each other, I sneak past 'em an' lean against da wall behind 'em.
When Medda's gone an' they still haven't noticed me, I speak. "Snyda?", I ask. Jack jumps an' turns remarkably fast. Then he gives me his 'Seriously Magpie?'-Look.
"Mags.", he sighs. "I should have known, ya here."
"I's practically workin' here, Jack. An' there's a show tonight. How couldn't I be here?"
"I thought you're a Newsie." Les looks confused.
I smile at him. "I is a Newsie. I's jus' helpin' a little out here, when I's needed. Ya know?" As he nods, I turn back ta Jack. "But Jack. Ya haven't answered my question. Has Snyda found ya?"
"Yes, but he lost us. I promise."
I sigh an' rub my eyes. "Ya have ta be more careful."
"I'll be... Hey, ya got new shoes."
"Oh, yeah, but I only borrowed 'em from Medda. I got a splinter in my foot from da stage, so she decided ta give 'em ta me."
"How nice of her."
"I assume, ya stay foa da show?"
"But of course! How couldn't we?" He smiles at me. I jus' shake my head.
"Ok.", I say then. "I'll head back ta work now. See ya." I wave da boys an' Davey an' Les wave back. Jack blows me a kiss. "What was dat foa?", I ask, raisin' my eyebrow.
"Jus' because I love ya."
"Idiot.", I mutter smilin' an' climb da stairs ta da stage.
"I heard dat!", Jack shout after me.

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