2 the hotel

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"Where are you guys going" Katrina said looking at me winking.

"T-the H-ho-ote-el na-am-med Roch-chel" I say stuttering god why doe she do this to me.

"that's where i'm going as well so I can take you guys" Katrina says looking at me.

"ok" Lynch and Ripley say in unison.


"we only have 2 rooms available" the receptionists says.

"Me and Sonya will share" Katrina said.

Katrina and I both got our key to the room and walk to the elevator together when we got in the elevator she put her arm around my shoulders and rested her hand on my breast i looked at her quickly and she her smirking when the elevator door opened she removed her hand from where i needed it most and when we unlocked to door to our room WE ONLY HAD ONE BED.

"you can have the bed ill take the floor" Katrina says.

"or we can share the bed" I say trying to reason.

"are you sure?" she says.

"Yes i am and you have sexually aroused me so you will finish what you did" I say sternly but quietly.

"that's the wrestler i know and love" Katrina says placing her hands on MY hips biting her lip as she pushes me onto the bed and kisses me firmly. when i pull away she is smirking again.

"you are the cutest one i have ever met and the fact that your Russian you are so lucky i dont fuck you right here" I say very sexually

"Sonya will you be my girlfriend" Katrina says in her sexy Russian accent.

to be continued....

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